Chapter 19

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Matthew's POV:

"Not because you killed your clan, everything will be okay. Remember, they're still in your blood." I clenched my fist. I hate being a Tiu. I hate being a Willson.

This was one of the texts I received today. All of them were just threats, and the teasing was just as relentless.

"Didn't your mom tell you that you inherited everything from me? Oh, right, how could she, I killed her before you even had a mind in this world."

"AAAHHHHHHH!" I threw my phone.

"Calm down, Dark. See, Dragon is just teasing you. Don't let him get to you like that," Brown reassured me. We were at home. I left the Kirigun mansion after sorting things out with Steph. I also found out that Brown is not my relative. She was just adopted by the Tius because her real father died. Her mom was also adopted and came from a wealthy family that the Tius kidnapped. 

Dragon is the one who killed her biological and adopted parents. Dragon is truly a heartless soul. And now, just when our situation is chaotic, Brown is in a precarious situation. She's pregnant. While talking to Gulf, she suddenly fainted. We found out she's seven months pregnant, more advanced than Steph who just entered her fourth month. Pink said she needs bed rest.

Since she's single and doesn't know who the father is because she's a high paid slut on her own high-class bar, she's being careful. Even though she wants to help me, this time she stepped back. I know how much she wants to have a child. And she's so sorry to me. But that doesn't matter to me. I prefer her safety. That's why I tightened her security. Dragon knows this, which is why she's so scared. She is Dragon's target now, claiming that he is the father of the child. But Brown denies it. That's why she's in hiding now, with Zee and Bright's ally helping her too.

"Hello, love. How are you?"

"I'm here, tormented by your child. I can't stop vomiting, and I still feel a bit dizzy." I pity him. I want to be by her side, but she insisted on prioritizing the issues with the organization.

"Should I come home first?"

"No. I'm fine. Just hurry up fixing your problems with the organization. Don't wait for me to get impatient because I will personally look for Dragon." I chuckled because I could imagine her expression. She was a bit stern with me earlier.

"Okay. I'll fix it. I love you."

"And I love you too. I'm going to sleep. Being pregnant is exhausting." She complained.
"If only I could take all your hardships, I would have done it."

"Okay, next time I'll impregnate you. Remember, pregnancy is not exclusive to women. Let me f*** you, love, at least once." Then I heard her laughter. It felt like a devil's laughter to me. I shivered at what she was saying. I've never been a bottom.

"Why are you silent? Are you scared? Being a bottom is enjoyable. It feels different. Relaxing. Let me pop your cherry too." Then she laughed again. I just shook my head.

"No, you can't do that."

"Then let's see, Mr. Willson." Then she cut the call. I shook my head. Suddenly, a notification appeared on my phone, so I quickly checked.

"I'm serious. Try to be my bottom at least once. Maybe the wind will blow differently. Who knows, you might become my wifey. Can't imagine you pregnant with my child. 5555" I laughed. But what if I had the capability to get pregnant? Urghhh! I don't want to think about it. It's cringe-worthy. And I'll never be a bottom for anyone, even for Steph.

Steph's POV:

Finally, I was able to go out. Considering everything that happened, this is the first time I've been to the mall again. Mom knows how bored I am just staying in my room. That's why Dada allowed me to go to the mall to buy baby's necessities. I still don't know the gender, but Mom says it's a girl. Well, moms know best. That's why I named the baby after her: Kane Kirigun Collins Willson. Just thinking about it excites me. I went to the baby section and bought her things. I strongly feel that she's a girl.

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