Chapter 18

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Steph POV:

I woke up in a different room, but quickly remembered that I was in the underworld. I checked the time on the wall clock; it was already ten in the morning. My eyelids felt heavy, and I was starting to feel hungry. I looked at the door, and it suddenly opened. Matthew entered, carrying a tray full of food. He looked at me seriously.

"It's good that you're awake. Eat first, and then I'll take you to the mansion," he said. I felt a wave of sadness. I just nodded, observing his every move. I hesitated; I didn't know what to say. My words from earlier were so painful, and I would admit that I was wrong in that part.

I wish I had really been kidnapped. At least, in some way, I could have atoned for my sins.

"Why are you crying?" I quickly wiped my tears, attempting to smile.

"Ah... no-nothing," I replied, feigning a smile.

He placed the tray next to me on the small table and carefully arranged the food.

"Eat," he said, about to leave when I grabbed his wrist.

"A-aren't you... going to eat with me?" I stuttered.

"No, I've already eaten. I finished a while ago. I was just waiting for you to wake up. Your family is aware that you're safe now. We need to hurry, or we might be caught."

I nodded.


He looked back.

"Thank you... and I'm sorry."

"Hmm." And he left the room. I bowed my head and cried, holding my stomach.

"Papa deserves this. He's so foolish, baby. He fought with Daddy," I cried. I started to eat, then placed the tray on the table and took a shower. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Matthew again. He stood up and approached me.

"You're not in your room to undress like that," I remembered that I didn't have any lower garments, just the towel I used because I planned to get the clothes Brown prepared for me last night.

He took the clothes and helped me dress. He even dried my hair. I stayed silent while he did all this.

And then, as Matthew finished helping me get dressed, he looked at me with a gentle expression. The room was filled with a subtle tension. I wanted to say something, to express the overwhelming emotions within me, but the words stuck in my throat.

"Let's go," he finally said, breaking the silence. He held out his hand, and I took it, letting him lead the way. We walked through the corridors of the underworld, heading towards the exit.

"Where's Brown?" I said as he leads mo to the car.

"She just had to do something." I just nodded.

As we approached the mansion, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. I know how worried they are. Especially my mom. I looked at Matthew who was just driving seriously. I bowed down, I was right, he was mad at me. I just rubbed my stomach and just looked out the window.

Matthew opened the door, and we stepped into the mansion. The atmosphere was different from what I expected—no hostility, no immediate confrontation. I think they already know something.

"Steph!" My mom exclaimed, rushing towards us. "I'm glad you're safe." She hugged me tightly, and I felt a mixture of relief and guilt. I glanced at Matthew, who wore a stern expression.

"What happened?" I asked, still unsure about the situation.

"We'll explain everything," Brown replied who is here. "But first, let's get inside and talk." She guided us to a more private area within the mansion.

As we sat down, Brown began narrating the events, detailing the plan to deceive Dragon and the organization. I listened attentively, realizing the extent of their efforts to protect me. My emotions were a whirlwind—gratitude, guilt, and confusion.

Finally, Brown turned to me. "Steph, I know you're confused and upset. I'm sorry for everything you've been through."

I nodded, appreciating her sincerity. The truth unfolded, and I started to see the bigger picture. My family, despite their differences, had collaborated to ensure my safety.

"I need some time to process all of this," I admitted.

"That's completely understandable," Matthew said, his gaze softening. "Take all the time you need. We're here for you."

And in that moment, surrounded by unexpected allies and facing a complex reality, I realized that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but I wasn't alone.

I just looked at Matthew. He's seriously discussing matters with Dada Tharn and others. They're planning what to do. Mom, on the other hand, was trying to comfort me. I glanced at her, smiling while she massaged my hands.

"Everything will be okay," she assured me. I nodded. I looked at Matthew again, avoiding his gaze when I realized he was already looking at me.

I felt tired, so I decided to go to my room. I couldn't stand not being acknowledged by Matthew. I knew it's, and I deserved his cold treatment.

"This is your fault, Steph. You let your emotions take over," I said to myself. "Your daddy doesn't want me anymore, baby. I hope you won't hate papa, okay? You're all I have now." I hugged myself and wrapped myself in a blanket.

Matthew's POV:

"Are you and your wife okay now?" Brown asked me. She cooked our breakfast. I brewed my coffee.

"Not yet. He's still asleep," I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

"What he said to you was really painful, but it's just a result of his fear. We can't blame him. Everything happened so quickly between you two. It was just a one-night stand, and he got pregnant right away. You moved too fast, and you didn't really get to know each other well. So it's normal for him to react that way, especially since he's in the mood swing stage. His mood changes every minute," Brown explained with a shrug.

"So what's your plan?" I asked her, changing the topic.
"I'll inform the Kiriguns. I want to collaborate with them. And I want to know the truth," she replied.

"The truth? About what?"

"About my own identity. Tharn knows my real identity. That I'm not a real Tiu." Tiu is my mom's surname. I nodded.

I've known for a long time that she wasn't a real daughter, but I don't know who her real family is. I also don't understand why Tharn is involved in this. Tharn is like a walking encyclopedia. Ask him, and he knows everything. Why not? His best friends Zee and Bright are his best partners in everything, and they are the best private investigators. I won't be surprised if he knows the real story behind my mom's death.

I glanced at the clock, and it was already ten, but Steph was still asleep. I decided to bring her breakfast, and he had just woken up.

I could see the sadness in his face due to my treatment towards him. I noticed his tears and he quickly wiped it away. I wanted to run to him and hug him, but I also wanted him to know that what he did was wrong. He immediately jumped to conclusions without knowing the whole truth. It truly hurt me, but from what I see now, I know he regrets it.

I decided to cool off on the terrace to think. There are so many problems between my family, the organization, and us. When I returned inside, I heard the sound of running water. Steph was currently taking a shower. I sat on the couch near the bed. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he was only wrapped in a towel around his lower body. He had nothing on his upper body, exposing the bump on his stomach. I stood up and approached him.

"You're not in your room to undress like that," I said. I noticed how scared he was. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

So I took the clothes and helped him to dress. I even dried his hair. He stayed silent while I did all this. He bit his lip to hold back his emotions.

And then, as I finished helping him get dressed, I looked at him with a gentle expression just to know that I'm not mad anymore. But he avoided my gaze. I didn't want to be too strict on him. I wanted to teach him a lesson, but every time I looked at his face, my annoyance disappeared.

Until we were in the car, he kept looking at me. I tried to stay strong and not give in, but when we arrived at the mansion, I found myself giving in more. His sorry stares, the emotions he was trying to hold back, his teary eyes – they became my weakness.

"Are you okay with Teffy?" Alex asked me. He's Gulf's son. Nathan was also looking at me. I didn't believe they were a couple.

"It's an adult thing, kids. You won't understand even if I explain it to you," I said. We just finished talking and planning to fix everything.

"Can't you forgive our mommy Teffy? He's pregnant, and the baby deserves a daddy," Nathan said sadly. I messed up his hair. He's cute. I hope our child with Steph is just as cute as him.

"Don't touch my wife," Alex tapped my hand. Quite possessive for a little kid.

"He was crying earlier. I saw him before I came down here. Don't you love him anymore?" I turned around.

"I'm Peter, Alex's cousin," he said with a smile. I saw how Alex grabbed Nathan's waist as if Nathan is going to snatch from him.

"If you don't want him anymore, then we hate you. Because it means you don't want Kane to be your baby." I was confused.

"Who's Kane?" I asked.

"Mommy Steph's baby. Your baby too. I overheard earlier that the baby's name is Kane. I asked him about the gender, and he said it's a secret," he explained. Alex pushed me to make me fall from my seat.

"Babe!" Nathan shouted at him.

"If he doesn't want to come, I'll push him. Mommy Teffy doesn't deserve to cry," Alex said, looking at me. "If you don't want him and don't love him anymore, then I'll give him to Uncle Xyricks."

"But Uncle Xyricks is taken. He said he loves Uncle Finley," I scratched my head. They clapped as I stood up.

"Go, daddy Matt! Please marry mommy Steph. He deserves the best!" I just shook my head. When I entered, I saw Pink giving me a nasty look.

"What?" She rolled her eyes. I just shook my head and went upstairs to Steph's room. When I opened the door, I saw him wrapped in a blanket. I quietly entered and closed the door.

I sat on the edge of the bed. I heard him sobbing. I removed the blanket and It felt like my heart was being squeezed when I saw his face. When he saw me, he turned away and buried his face in the pillow. I immediately lifted him and cradled him. He was a bit heavy, but I could still manage.

"Shhhh... Stop crying," I whispered, holding him close. I felt sorry for him, I closing my eyes as I heard him sobbing loudly. He seemed like a pitiful child.

"I'm...sorry... Please... For... forgive me..." He spoke through his tears, his voice trembling.

Steph's POV:

Matthew's embrace was both comforting and painful. I felt a mixture of regret and longing. I didn't deserve his warmth, not after the hurtful words I'd said. As he held me close, I couldn't help but think about our unborn child. What kind of life would they have if their parents couldn't even get along?

"Matthew," I managed to say, my voice shaky from crying. "I didn't mean those things. I was just scared. Scared of losing you and our baby." He tightened his grip on me, a silent acknowledgment of my pain. It was hard to find the right words to express the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

"I love you, Steph. But the things you said..." He trailed off, the weight of our situation evident in his voice.

"I know, and I'm so sorry. I let fear cloud my judgment. I'm afraid of history repeating itself, and I panicked," I confessed, my fingers tracing circles on his chest.

"We'll figure this out, together," he reassured me, gently wiping away my tears.

Matthew's POV:

Hearing Steph's apology tugged at my heart. I understood her fears, but the way she expressed them had cut deep. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her or our child, but communication was key.

"I want you to trust me, Steph. Trust that we can face anything together. But we need honesty and understanding, and you do the same. Let's not live in the past. Because nothing good will happen in the future if we keep looking at it." I spoke, my voice a mixture of firmness and vulnerability.

He nodded, his eyes still filled with remorse. We stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, trying to rebuild the connection that had been strained by fear and misunderstandings.

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