Chapter 2

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Matthew's POV:

As I watched Steph leave, a strange mix of emotions swirled within me. I couldn't quite believe the whirlwind encounter I'd just had. He was like a tempest, unexpected and leaving a trail of chaos in his wake.

His features lingered in my mind — the way he rolled his eyes at me, the curve of his lips when he smiled, the easy way he spoke. It was a magnetic blend that drew me in, and I found myself amazed by this man I'd met in such unconventional circumstances.

Leaning against my swivel chair, I couldn't stop a smile from forming. The memory of our banter, the unexpected connection, played in my mind like a movie reel. For someone who often navigated the darker, more intense aspects of life, Steph was a refreshing burst of unpredictability.

As I reflected on our brief but intense interaction, I realized I was looking forward to seeing him again. His departure left a void, a curiosity about what could unfold if our paths crossed once more. It wasn't just the physical attraction; there was something about the way he carried himself, an intriguing mystery that begged to be unraveled.

With a final thought of Steph, I pushed off the door frame and returned to the reality of my world, the echoes of our encounter lingering in the air like an unspoken promise.

"This is not our first and last meeting steph. I will make sure you will be mine and mine only. No one can own you. Whoever is in the way. They will meet satan in hell I'll make sure of that."

As I spent the whole day engrossed in back-to-back meetings on my laptop, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. My assistant seemed fidgety, and I caught her stealing glances at me throughout the day.

"Say what you need to say. Don't just keep staring at me like that." He hesitated but eventually spoke,

"I...It's about the guy you brought here, boss. He's something rude, and..."

I cut him off abruptly, "And don't touch him." His surprise was palpable. "If I find out that you did something to him, you know what will happen to all of you. Understood?"

"Yes, boss."

"Good." I refocused on the ongoing meeting, taking a moment to glance at my iPod and a smile touched my lips as I saw him. I'm Matthew's Willson, not just the heir to this organization but a force to be reckoned with.
Later, I discreetly accessed the surveillance of Steph's condo, a secret I held closely.

Knowing his every move allowed me a sense of control, and right now, I observed him working up a sweat in his small gym, throwing punches at a bag. There was something captivating about him, more so now that I had tasted every inch of him. I felt a strange sense of pride, knowing I was the first and, perhaps, the last. I was determined to make sure of that.

And as the day unfolded, I found myself drawn back to thoughts of Steph. The memory of our encounter lingered, and I couldn't help but be amazed by the features that defined him—the way he spoke, the subtle roll of his eyes, and his infectious smiles that played in my mind.

My duties and responsibilities didn't waver, though. I had a grip on the operations of this organization, a legacy that I would not let crumble. But in the background of power plays and strategic maneuvers, there was a persistent flicker of anticipation, a yearning for something beyond the harsh confines of my reality.

Steph's presence, unexpected and unconventional, had injected a different kind of energy into my life. I wondered how someone like him could leave such a lasting impression. It wasn't just about our physical encounter; it was the defiance in his eyes, the way he challenged the norms.

As I delved back into my work, I couldn't shake off the curiosity about what Steph was doing at that very moment. The day unfolded, but his image remained imprinted on my thoughts. The dichotomy of my existence, between the ruthless world of power and the unexpected allure of someone like him, lingered as a silent undercurrent.


Steph's POV:

I'm infuriated with myself. I want to be angry, but I can't. Especially after he took my precious cherry. I'm not gay. I'm straight. And it frustrates me even more because I remember everything. Every single thing we did. And it annoys me further because I initiated it. I'm a man, and I know the names they call someone like me. He's a man too. But among all the people I've seen and been with at the club, why him? I could've chosen a woman. A way to get back at my ex-girlfriend who cheated on me. Speaking of that bitch, when I got home this morning, she kept calling. I didn't answer. I blocked her and all our friends on all my social media accounts. I was trying to be a faithful partner. But she didn't care. It's our anniversary tomorrow, and all my surprises and plans to propose to her are ruined. We've been together for three years, and I envisioned a future with her, including our children. But she destroyed everything. Luckily, I didn't tell my family about it. If they find out, I won't be able to guarantee her safety. I went to my small gym and punched my punching bags to release my pain. But what frustrates me the most is that the only person on my mind is him.

"Aaaaaaah!" I screamed as I started punching. I stopped, panting heavily, the punching bag dropping to the floor in tandem with my seated position. I bowed my head. I can't help but cry.

I immersed myself in drama before getting up and taking another shower. I remembered that Mom was coming. Right after I finished, I saw Mom in the kitchen arranging groceries.

"Hi Mom. What's up?" I greeted and approached her.

"What's this?" My eyes widened at what she pointed to.

"I'm having a good time, Mom. Hehe," I said. She gave me a light slap.

"You naughty kid." But I hugged her.

"I love you, Mom. Thanks for the groceries," then I kissed her cheeks.

"I love you too," she said. We sat on the couch, but I couldn't sit comfortably. My butt hurt, and Mom noticed.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, don't mind me, Mom." I cursed the guy who had done something. We chatted about my businesses.

"Your dada misses you. You need to visit him. If not, you know what will happen, hmm?"

"Okay, Mom. I know the drill. Dada is very overprotective."

"He already knows what happened to both of you." I closed my eyes. Whatever. I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Can you tell Dada that I can handle myself? I can manage this. Please don't meddle."

"That's why you need to visit him. You know your dad. He loves you very much."

"I know, Mom. I know."

Mom cooked, and we ate together. Since it was late, Mom went home. Once again, I was alone. I just showered and lay on the bed, thinking about what happened. I couldn't get Matthew out of my mind. Frustrated, I rolled on my bed because I couldn't sleep. I got up, went out, grabbed some beers, and watched Netflix. Luckily, I had stocked up. I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I stood up, worried about where I was. I remembered sleeping on the couch, but now I was in my room. The living room was clean, and the mess from last night was gone. I scratched my head. Maybe I cleaned up and forgot. But what surprised me more was the flowers on the counter with a letter.

"From now on, you won't be sad anymore. Because I'm here now. Consider it done."

There was a hint of blood on the word "done." I shivered, feeling scared. I looked around, checked my windows, and the door was locked. I jumped when my phone suddenly rang. I answered quickly.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Do you know the news?" I got even more scared.

"What news?"

"Were you just waking up? Did you drink again?"

"Sorry, Mom."

"It's okay. But it's bad news. Egie and his ex were found dead. They're hardly recognizable due to the burn on their bodies."

My hair stood on end. "Hello, baby? Are you still there?"

"Y-yes, Mom. I-I'm sorry. I was shocked. What happened? Is Dada involved?"

"That's why your mom is calling you." It was mama Type's voice. "I'm furious, but I won't do anything shameful. I haven't even started, and this happened. We're on our way. Stay there." It's was dada.

"Okay, Dada, Mama, Mom, please drive safely. Love you." I sat on the floor. What's happening?

I looked at the card. I knew Dada and my rest of my family was overprotective, but they wouldn't create such a scary scene.

"Whoever you are, this isn't what I want for my ex." I sighed and hid the letter then i threw the roses in the trash.

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