Chapter 14

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Matthew's POV:

I know it's not easy to trust someone like me, especially someone who once had ill intentions towards the Kirigun family. But I didn't expect all of this.

"Prove everything you're saying, Matthew. Just because you're in my territory and the father of my great grandchild doesn't mean I believe you," he said, his anger evident.

"I can't blame you, Mr. Tharn, for everything the organization did to your family. But I'm here to make things right," we locked eyes. After our conversation, I went to look for Steph. As I was about to go up to her room, someone spoke.

"Steph isn't there." I turned and saw a face resembling Gulf Suppasit. If I'm not mistaken, it's Gab Kirigun. "You have the audacity to stroll around in Kirigun territory as if nothing happened," he arrogantly said, scrutinizing me from head to toe.

"Matthew, the son of Zeus from the Diamond empire, with envy coursing through his veins," he grinned. I bowed my head. "That won't be the only thing you'll face if you hurt my niece. Are we clear?"

"I understand," I replied.

"He's in the garden. He's been worried about you. If he weren't pregnant, you'd be heading home as ashes by now. Now go! We're all watching you." I went to the garden as he instructed. I hate his guts ever since. If he weren't related to my love, I might have dealt with him first.

In the garden, I found Steph sitting on a bench, looking worried. As I approached, his eyes met mine, and a mixture of relief and worry flickered in her gaze.

"Hey," I said softly, taking a seat beside him.

"I'm sorry for causing you any worry." He sighed, leaning into my shoulder. "I just want everything to be okay, Matthew. I don't want any more trouble."

"I know, love. I'm doing everything I can to make things right," I reassured him, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. We sat in silence for a moment, taking in the tranquility of the garden. Despite the tension inside the house, being with Steph brought a sense of calm.

"I just hope they can see that I'm sincere," I admitted. Steph looked up at me, his eyes filled with understanding.

"They will, eventually. It takes time, Matthew. Just be patient, and prove to them that you're here for the right reasons." Nodding, I held his hand, grateful for his support. We stayed in the garden, finding solace in each other's company, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

I'm contemplating everything I told Mr. Tharn—organization secrets, their plans. He can't believe that I, contrary to my family, am willing to do what's right, even if it means sacrificing my life. I don't care about Dad's anger. He's blinded by his rage.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" I look at Steph. We've just finished showering.

"I'm fine, love," I say. "Do you know why my family harbors resentment toward yours?" I ask.

"Not entirely, but Mom said it's because your mom died back then, and your Dad blamed dada?" I nods.

"Actually, at first, I believed that too. But in my conversation with Mr. Tharn, I got clarity," I explain, and he nods.

"As far as I know, my mom died accidentally. She ran away to meet Mr. Tharn because she was being accused of being Dad's mistress, as they were best friends. But the truth is, Mom escaped because she couldn't endure Dad's cruelty anymore. She left me with our nanny to protect me from his abuse. I don't even remember Mom's face. If not for pictures, I wouldn't recognize her. I was 4 when she died. The truth is, Dad sabotaged the car she was driving. The brakes failed, and she fell off a bridge and exploded," I say with a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Steph hugs me.

"It's okay. I wouldn't have believed it without the evidence but your grandfather showed me. All the evidence that I need is in his possession. That's why I won't hesitate to bring down the Diamond empire now. It's being run to seek revenge against the Kiriguns when, in reality, it was Dad who did it."

"My mom and your grandfather were childhood best friends. Mr. Type didn't recognize her because she migrated to the US and met Dad there. But when they returned here, she spilled the beans to Mr. Tharn about how Dad treated her. Dad even helped Art to separate Mr. Tharn from Mr. Type to get his revenge. They failed because Mom herself found them without anyone's knowledge. She even knew they were in Batangas, where Mr. Type lived, so she bought land to build a resort and hotel." Steph is surprised by what I said. "Your Mama Type knows this. That's why he was quiet when I came. He even suggested that I live here with you. He feels indebted to Mom for helping his husband find them."

Steph looks at me with a mix of disbelief and realization. "So, all these years, you've been blaming my family, not knowing the whole story?"

I nod. "Exactly. My dad's manipulations and lies have kept us in the dark. And I'm sorry Because I went blind. I was blinded by his lies, even to his and mom's relatives. But now, with the truth coming out, I want to make things right. For your family, for mine, and for us."

She takes a moment to absorb everything. "Matthew, I know it won't be easy, but we'll face this together. We'll build a future based on truth and understanding."

I smile at him, grateful for his unwavering support. "Thank you, Steph. Having you by my side means everything to me."

As we sit in the quiet aftermath of our revelations, there's a sense of unity between us. We're determined to break free from the shadows of the past and create a path forward, one that transcends the vendettas and secrets that have haunted our families for too long.

After three days, I finally left the mansion. Steph seemed reluctant to let me go, and it looked like she was upset because she wanted to accompany me. If Mr. Tharn hadn't spoken, she might have insisted. I couldn't afford to stay silent because the organization was in chaos, and I was the reason.

"Where have you been for a week, Dark? We couldn't contact you. Even your men couldn't trace you," Dad said, visibly irritated.

I grinned. "Is it forbidden to take a break? To be far from the chaotic world?"

"And you managed to take a break, Dark?! Do you even know what's happening in the organization?" Dad's neck veins bulged in anger. I laughed.

"I did take a break. Probably that's why I don't know anything," I chuckled. He tried to punch me, but I dodged.

"How dare you talk to me like that, MATTHEW!" Dad shouted. "What's happening to you?" His eyes widened.

"You know, Dad, what's happening to me," I grinned.

"Don't push me, Dark! You might not like what I'll do."

"Try me, Dad. I'm not afraid," I replied.

"Damn it!" He threw his phone and stormed off.

"What's happening to you, Dark? Where have you been? The board members are furious," Tul asked, concerned.

"Good for them. It's about time to end the disgrace they've been doing. They're too much under Dad's control," I said.

"What do you mean?" Tul asked in confusion.

"If Dad is something you can handle. Good luck to you here," Tul whispered to me.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because I heard you're always disappearing. Is there a reason my beloved Dark is always tired? Because you're always resting? Or maybe you've found someone to rest with? Hmmm?" She looked at me differently, reading me.

"Go home, Brown. I don't want to see you."

"Is it me or you? I know you, Dark, since childhood."

"So, what are you trying to imply?" I turned to face her. We locked eyes.

"If I find out who's distracting you, making you tired of this organization. I'll kill him or her, or maybe them. You know me, Dark. I don't just talk. So whoever it is, they better not let me catch them." I clenched my fist. "You know me, Dark. I'm not just someone who talks. So if it's anyone, don't let them get caught by me." I turned away and left them.

Leaving them behind, I headed to my private quarters. The weight of the situation settled heavily on my shoulders. Steph's worried expression lingered in my mind. I couldn't let her or our unborn child be jeopardized by the chaos within the organization.

As I entered the dimly lit room, memories flooded back – moments of planning, discussions, and decisions that led to the present turmoil. I needed a clear path forward, not just for myself but for Steph and our child.

Sitting at my desk, I accessed the secure communication system. It was time to gather the key members of the organization, those who remained loyal and understood the importance of unity. Despite the brewing storm, I needed to instill confidence and devise a strategy to weather the challenges ahead.

The holographic display flickered to life, revealing the faces of trusted individuals. They looked at me, anticipating guidance. "We're facing a critical juncture, and we can't afford internal divisions. Our rivals are seizing this opportunity. It's time for a unified front."

I outlined a plan that involved addressing the internal concerns within the organization, mending rifts, and reinforcing our strength against external threats. It was a delicate balance, knowing that any misstep could lead to irreversible consequences.

After the virtual meeting, I leaned back in my chair, contemplating the intricate web of alliances and enmities. The fate of Diamond rested not only on external adversaries but on our ability to navigate internal conflicts.

As I prepared to face the challenges that awaited, the image of Steph's unwavering support flashed in my mind, strengthening my resolve. We were bound by a love that transcended the complexities of the world we inhabited.

Of all I've learned, I harbor anger towards Dad for what he did to my mom. But I'm even angrier at those who were blind to Dad's actions. Their own kin, their own child, sibling, and cousin – they killed her. They killed my mom.


"We weren't really in conflict as a family. Irene and I were best friends. Despite our age difference, since I have no siblings, I treated her like a younger sister. She's just as old as Kira. Type didn't know her because they were often out of the country, but that's not a reason for us to lose communication."

"I never imagined that behind her kind heart, she carried dark and malicious blood. It's unfortunate that she ended up in a family ready to sacrifice her for money." I saw sadness in Mr. Tharn's eyes.

"When I learned all of that, my heart burned. Especially when I found out that when she is gone and left you behind. They didn't even think about you before they did it to her. I told her to stay away to his family and hide somewhere, but my best friend was too blind in love. She loves your dad, and she didn't want you to grow up with a broken family. But ironically, her own family caused this. That's why I don't blame you for becoming the person you are today. They molded you into this." Quietly, I listened to him.

"Now that you know the truth, what will you do?" I looked at him.

"Like I told Steph, I'll fix everything. I'll straighten out what needs to be straightened for the greater good."

"But there's another problem."

"What is it?"

"Irene's family. Your relatives."

"I know. If it were Dad, I could still manipulate him because even if he's brutal, I'm still his son, and he's not like Mom's relatives. He knows I'm with one of Kirigun's grandsons. He had plenty of time to tell the organization about it, but he didn't say anything." I stated seriously.

"I know that too. A father will always be a father. Your dad loves you very much because he sees your mom in you. You're Irene's boy version. If you weren't so straightforward in your speech, I would think I'm talking to Irene right now." He chuckled a bit.

"Do what you think is right. Don't worry about my family or even Steph. I'll take care of it. If I was able to get through all the threats you and the organization made before, I can handle it better now."

Flashbacks ends...

I glanced up when the door suddenly opened. Brown entered. I clenched my fists upon seeing her and looked at her seriously.

"Oh, aren't you happy to see me? Among all my relatives, you're the only one like that," she casually sat on the couch.

"Why do you keep getting more handsome? The blood of your father really has a strong influence."

"What's your real purpose here?" I suddenly asked.

"Is it always suspicious when I come here? Can't I just visit my handsome nephew?" She laughed loudly but suddenly turned serious. We locked eyes.

"Even if she's gone, she's still alive in you." He was referring to my mom.

"Haunted, is she? Both of you?" I chuckled.

"Why don't you have to killed me too?" I saw how surprised she was by what I said. Her facial expression changed quickly. I laughed lightly.

"What do you mean?" I stood up, approached her, and she also stood. She was about to run, but I quickly pulled her and pressed her against the back of the door, locking it. I held her neck tightly.

"Da... Dark... I can't... breathe..." She struggled to say.

"This is what you do to Mom, right? Did you think I didn't know?" I pulled harder, causing her to turn even redder.

I released my grip on Brown, allowing her to catch her breath. He stumbled backward, coughing. It is not her time to die. And she didn't deserve to die so soon.

"Dark, you've gone insane!" She managed to say between breaths.

"Insane? Maybe. But this is just a taste of what you deserve," I retorted, keeping my composure. "That's just the beginning. And I will tell you one by one. So tell them what happened today. I do not care."

She straightened herself, looking at me with a mix of fear and anger. "You won't get away with this, Dark. Your dad won't allow it."

"Dad? He won't even know. And if he does, I doubt he'd care," I responded coldly.

Brown left the room, shooting me a resentful look. I stood there, contemplating the complexities of the tangled web of family and betrayal. If they want trouble, I'll give it to them.

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