am I ready?

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i got scared more

Y/N- NO rose! , please don't tell anyone i , they-

I turn back...but there was no one ...

Rose- you what!? What they? , And why are you here!!? I asked

Y/N- i-um ..that just....i w-want some fresh air...

Mina- hm we can are tired... it's ok let's go inside now you can sleep for 2 hourse then you will have your holy bath and have to get ready for the crown ceremony

I nod

Y/N - oh my mina! You are looking very pretty!

Y/N - oh my mina! You are looking very pretty!

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Mina- blush thankyou so much your highness

I smiled when rose enlock her arom with mine

Rose-so your eyes catch anything handsome enough...

I look down....well i did....6 handsome man's!

Rose-you thinking about them!?

Y/N- yes...NO I-

okay she play the sam etrick again...

Mina- who?

She asked curiously as she see rose with smirk on her face looking at me and I am flushed!

Rose- ooh there are some handsome demon kidnappers...right Y/N!?

Y/N- Yahh shut it rose!

Mina -(gasp) demons!? PRINCESS YOU LIKE DEMONS THAT'-


She apologized and we look around making sure no one was there...

Mina- you didn't like any of the males there!?

I tried to answer her but rose inturupt me

Rose- Oh please not at all! , that wizard guy is all flirt he was flirting with other angel princess just now , and that siren guy? HE IS SO FUCKING DUMB! Just thinks perfect body is everything , and don't get me on that normal princ....I mean he is cute and all but look how sub he is! , a man needs to be a little dom i mean he can't even be a proper man here then how will he be IN SEX!? , SHISH HE WOULD BE WORSE! , HE WON'T EVEN BE ALBETO PLEASE Y/N ENO-

I put my hand on her mouth


we both said ta the same time

Mina-that is verry appropriate!

Rose- oh come on! , don't talk like Y/N sex is important for life!, how will the new junration arrive then?

Me and mina is too much to handle her!

Y/N- you take too much time to get ready mina!

Mina- why(giggle)

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