fight-fight ?

110 6 15


Y/N - you should get out now , why are you making yourself home? I never tell you to feel comfortable here!!

She said sliding towards the edge of bed A little , cause sehun and Tao were there beside her , sehun's head was near headboard and Tao was oposite beside him his leg bend and hide head on his hand

Tao- Oooh your bed is fluffy

He said jumping more on it making Y/N bounce a little as she gasp at the jerks her body recived


Sehun- yeh it's bigger then ours , Hyung note it will have to order a bed like this for wifey...

Y/N- no need i already have this one , I don't need your kindness

She said smiling sarcastically to him before huffing Tao again bounced a little causing her to groan her small fram was so light that she was barley stoping herself from falling back on the bed from the jerks and she shouted

Y/N - I said STOP TAO!!

Tao- oh come ooon you are no fun

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Tao- oh come ooon you are no fun...
He said pouting which Y/N squint her eyes at before rolling her eyes

Baek- ofcourse you need cause , when you will shift in our home with us , we have to make sure you are comfortable in every way as your males !

Y/N- who told you that I am shifting with you?.....YAAH SEHUN PUT HIM DOWN!!

She said when her eyes caught sehun holding on her big teddy mr.walskey

Sehun- what!?(smirk) , you have teddies at this age!?

Y/N - he is not just A TEDDY! AND , MY AGE MY wish!! , if I want I will fill this whole room with them got that!! Now give him to me!

She get near him trying to pull the teddy away who's leg was in sehun's grip , but her sneakyily smiled and throw it to Tao when Y/N reach him

Y/N- YAAH what are you doing I said not to touch him sehun!!

She turn to Tao

Y/N- give me.walskey back TAO!!

tao- give what back? HAHAHA!! fuck that's funny name mr.walskey huh!?

He said turning the teddy to his face and slaping the teddy's face softly just to tease the girl


she went to him still on her knees he held the teddy up it was almost her size but still he was holding it effortlessly with one hand from his stomach the teddy was leand back

Y/N- Tao give him back!!

She went to him putting her one leg on Tao's thigh her finger touched it , her face softened at the thought of having it but Tao threw it away at the same time as her whole hand and touched it making Y/N stumble

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