elder said...

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They were walking IU beside her walking with her when

Jennie - we know what you are trying

Y/N raised her brow and turned her face to her who was walking with her but away from her

Jennie - trying to act innocent now are we?

Y/N- what are you trying to say...say it clearly... don't play tricks around

Jennie- you are trying to catch their attention on you? , now cause you know they have others too? Doesn't matter how preety you are now or Were but still-

Y/N - I don't need to attract them...they are already mine... didn't you all say you don't have Romantic feelings for each other anymore?

IU- yeh that...ok let's go leave the topic both of you...

They had stop in their track looking at eachother

Jennie - yeh that is what I am saying NOW they don't have , but still they do care for us even as friends but do they care for you like they did back then when they had feelings for us?

Y/N look at her confused...did they really took care of them ?....like how she is saying!?

Jennie - you know they never raised their voice at us , spoiled us , gave us whatever we ask for ...do you know one time I wanted a GEM which was invaluable but still kris forced a old witch to make me one! , did they ever done that for you? ....they never raised hand at us and yet...we all know what they did to you...(chuckle)

Making Y/N feel more bad and misrable...they never raised their voice at them?...never aise a hand...and to her....they hurt her physically, mentally.....in every way they can....why?.... didn't they love her!? , if not then why did they come to her birthday risking their lives ...why did they come to her wedding....why marry her....will....WILL THEY LOOSE FEELING FOR HER TOO ONE DAY!

Y/N- T-they hurted me yes , but they also come to me on my birthday despite all that fight between angles and demons ! They risk themselves and come to me! Even on my wedding day they come there fo-

Jennie- are you trying to convince me or... yourself ?

She said mocking Y/N ....poor girl didn't know what is wrong with Jennie to behave like this all of sudden , but something came in Y/N's mind...she felt a sudden change in herself but can't put her finger on what was the change

Y/N- umh?..then what will you say about what just happened?.... didn't you see how they were all worried about me....they didn't let any of their servent look at me...and you know even if they hurt me...but they also put ointments on those wound...

She said taking a step closer to Jennie , IU and Jennie can say there was sudden change in Y/N's aura... With her another step Jennie took a step back

Y/N- you are talking about spoiling you...but did they took CARE of you!?....they don't like tears on my face ...I am sure you see what happen on my arrival here....I hurt kai but still...when I was in pain all of them come to me....hm? Did that ever happened?

Jennie - T-that's rubbish!, you are just saying that to make yourself feel better....you are saying all this big talks surely they did that but that's not even half of what they did for us you say about crying BUt THEY never made us cry like they did to you!...did..they , did they give you all rights as a wife? Hm?

Jennie - do you know why they are being like this to you? , they don't love you sweet heart , let me tell you something they said before the party...they will make you cry BLOoD! , they want to break you by every way possible....and you know what is the best way to break someone...is to make them fell in love and then left them...just how you did...

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