steamy time

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Oukey so it's 18+ , if your age in not suitable don't read , and if still you are doing then that's not my fault your parents can't blame name ok? , you are already sinned! Not my fault

She didn't know when but ....her head nod in yes while looking in suho's eyes....

Who node at her....eyes full of....lust?.... but that was well controled.....

Suho- listen to your heart doll.....

That words....her mom said the same words to her.....when she was young....telling her to always listen to her heart....and heart heart ....what

Her heart was saying a YES!! , thousand time a yes...always a yes

But her mind

Mind was against it....telling her... it's not right.....she shouldn't..... shouldn't let them control her like this...

Sehun- are you ready to help us!?...darling

Y/N- y-....yes...

Her eyes turn to suho...head still leaned on kris's chest ....her breath still heavy , her hand still fisted on his shirt and other holding her top........

When she felt kris's hand on her hip... slowly moving to the ropes which were holding her skirt....she glup feeling his hand there...but her eyes still on sehun's....

Watching him as his eyes follows kris's hands.... following his every moment when they stopped on the knot , making her heart to run more fast , if that was even possible....

He pulled the knot in one go making it slowly fall...pooling down on floor...her bare legs...making the room more tense....most of them shift in their seats...she hide her face in kris's chest...making him feel warm a small smile spread on his face as he saw her hiding her small self in his arms , all shy from their eyes.....

He tuck the hair that come in front blocking his view that was barely showing....making her move her head a bit

Y/N- w-...what...why did you took it didn't you say I need to help you then why this!?

Kai- this is how you have to help us just said yes didn't you!?....

Y/N- b-but how this!?

Kai- we will show you just relax and sit there looking all pretty ok!?

A whisper left her throat at the words...when kris held her arm making her look up at him before dragging her on his other thigh like she weight nothing and then with other hand her turned her around , her cloth that was on her chest slid a little cause the sudden moment making her yelp and she hold the cloth more hard ....the clevage was a bit visible cause the clothe moved a bit down ....

He hold her right thigh leaving her arm pulling it open and tucking it behind his manspeead legs and her other leg got spread moving to the hand rest so she won't be able to close them , the only thing covering her dignity was...her underwear....

Her heart fell in her stomach as kris moved her changing her position fast She squeaked at her new spread out self , the cold metle of the dimond bikini, which she thought as jwellery tingling her skin making goosebumps appear on it , and cause her desperate hold on her top the diamonds and the metal was pricking at her soft skin...

Y/N- k-kris!! Wait I-!! I...NO!

Suho- do you trust us doll?

She look up at him with her squint brows her big eyes her pink cheeks which were telling everyone how shy she was...

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