touch ....

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I opened my the light hit my in my arms .......last night was really strange....when I came back to my room I saw mina ...sleeping peacefully....did nobody hear me!!?.....what happened last night....was that even real or a dream....

I sigh...and got up to see maids cleaning the room and mina talking to some maids....

Mina- hm...just bring some juice and prepare fruit bread nothing heavy she is still not in good condition...

They nod and walked away when mina turn to see me sitting on the bed

Mina- how are you feeling miss!? look really weak....when did you come back last night!?, sorry I fall a sleep i don't know how and as the other queens went out I was awake but then i-

Y/N- sh... it's ok mina calm down i-....

I can't tell her about last night .....she will be worried , and how am I suppose to tell her....I saw many creatures....dark once... dangerous once....and then....the lake and all happened there.....i sigh and bite my lips .....yes my body hurts....i had just got my conscious back yesterday and....I just run around and body hurts ....

Mina- you what miss!? something not right!? (Gasp) you are feeling something!? , anything hurts!?

Y/N- i am fine just tired ....I wanna take bath first please

Mina- o-ok I am getting the bath ready for you ....wait miss...

I nod she got up from bed which she set when she saw me , and ran towards my bathing eria to prepare everything....I rub my face trying to gain some energy.....

I was sitting in my big is more like a swiming pool than a bath..... I was relaxing as the hot water was feeling good on my skin mina was massaging my arm shoulders and neck  , the demon maids are not allowed to touch me ....cause I am an angel which they are attracted to.....

There are many oils for fragrance and all....i feels so good , as the muscles are relaxing small bubble around me...made me giggle as they fly in the air one after another , which I brust smiling like an matter how old you are but still this small silly things can make up your mood....

Mina- oh miss you stay here , I will go and check the out for they have taken out for you and the breakfast ok?

I hummed...before strat to rub my arms by myself ....and then backing to the edge I lean back ....relaxing........hmm....I want a rose and Lili oil!!....

I was just thinking when I heard footsteps approaching me.....she comes really Queak?!

Y/N- mina...can you arrange rose and Lili oil!?....I want that today also....and can you massage my neck....I think I hurt some muscle while sleeping....

In a minute I felt a hand on back of my neck and i sigh....

Y/N- a bit down ...y-yeh there...right there....

She start to massage it with perfect pressure....and I hummed at the feeling...

Y/N- mm....mina! are getting better day by day aren't you!?....ah! Right there!

Her other hand come to my front scrubbing my neck and upper chest....wait.......

Wait , wait wait....

I opened my eyes....when did mina's hand becomes this big!?....I was about to turn but , she pushed exact Point where it was hurting a bit

Y/N- Ah! Good .... right there!! Mina-ah!!!

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