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It was now early morning in Japan. Chaeyoung managed to get some sleep after his overthinking thoughts. They all changed into their running uniforms and joined the Japanese on their morning jogs. Although it was summer, there was still a cool breeze in the early morning and Chaeyoung loved it. He was the fastest among the privates but the heat is what kills him. Right now, it was perfect for him. He's jogging as if it was nothing, Unlike someone.

"Fucking hell." Dahyun was panting and cursing. Even though his performances got him promoted, running wasn't his best. Chaeyoung wanted to laugh at him but Jihyo, along with other higher ranks, was monitoring them. Jeongyeon was beside her, his hands behind him, with a stone cold face. He could be pretty scary sometimes when he's serious.

Their morning jogs came to end and Dahyun felt blessed. "2 years and you still can't keep up." Tzuyu laughed at him and Dahyun gave him a scowl.

"You have long legs! It's easy for you." Dahyun turned to Chaeyoung for back up. He paused and just watched as Chaeyoung wiped his sweat with his shirt. "If I was gay, I would literally date you." Dahyun commented as he also wiped his sweat.

"You can just say he's handsome." Tzuyu facepalmed and Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Alright boys. Showers!" Jeongyeon ordered them and they obliged.


"Where'd Jihyo go?" Chaeyoung asked as he dried his hair. All the boys took their showers and were currently resting in their dorms until breakfast was ready. He was missing her scolds and leadership for some reason. It reminded him of his mother almost.

"She went to speak to one of the Japanese sergeants." Jeongyeon was standing by the door, waiting for the boys to finish tidying up.

"Nothing else?"

"Nope." Jeongyeon popped the 'P'. "Like she said, she'll inform us if anything happens." Chaeyoung nodded at that and finally put on his shoes. "Alright let's go."


"There has been word that North Korea has a surprise for us. And it's not a good one." Sergeant Hiroto, one of the sergeants in the Japanese army, informed Jihyo. A translator was beside him, giving them information back and forth.

"What kind of surprise?" Jihyo asked.

"Who knows. We can always guess that it's going to be pretty bad. Maybe a missile attack who knows." Hiroto sighed. "We really do appreciate the reinforcements General Siwoo sent. I heard that they're the best of the best?"

"Yes sir indeed." She smiled. She was so proud of the boys. Especially the three boys she adores. It was a struggle for them at first and Jeongyeon was there to help them. Because of him, they are where they are now. Jihyo noticed through the small window that troops were starting to form a line outside the cafeteria. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to let them know that breakfast is being served." She bowed at him and left his office.


"Oh Jihyo! Great timing." Jeongyeon grinned at her. The boys waved at their sergeant. They sometimes forget that they had to be formal but Jihyo let it slide this time.

"I was about to tell you guys that breakfast was done." She smiled and saw how the line was getting longer. "Hurry up! Or else you won't eat!" She hurried the three boys and held Jeongyeon back. The boys scurried away, their stomachs growling.

"What is it?" Jeongyeon saw Jihyo's smile drop. Jihyo was hesitant but Jeongyeon let her take her time. Jihyo to him was like having a sister. Jihyo and his wife, Nayeon, are very close friends. The three of them were close since they grew up around the same neighborhood. Despite their age difference, Jeongyeon respected Jihyo a lot. There was hardly any women in higher ranks, especially as sergeants.

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