No One

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"Argh! Why isn't he responding?" Jeongyeon huffed annoyingly when he tried to contact Chaeyoung. He was already ready but needed to know when to push. He brought Tzuyu and Dahyun with him since he knew that they would help their friend no matter what.

"Maybe it's out of reach." Dahyun suggested, sitting in the back seat with Tzuyu. Jeongyeon shook his head and tried to call him again.

"It's not. He's probably in trouble." Jeongyeon again groaned when the ear piece double beeped, signaling that the other line didn't pick up. "I'll track him." Jeongyeon quickly pulled out a tracking device for the ear pieces. Tzuyu and Dahyun glanced at each other. They knew Chaeyoung wasn't capable of getting hurt or caught. He was always cautious and alert.

"What if Kai has him?" Tzuyu mumbled and Jeongyeon sighed.

"It's possible. Chaeyoung did suspect him." Jeongyeon's eyes shined when he found his location. "Kai might've crossed the line with this." Jeongyeon started the truck and took off, following the GPS of the device.


"Why is that car driving so slow?" Momo was staring at the old black car. "It's going below speed limit."

"It's probably an old man Momoring, don't make fun of him." Sana giggled, having her arm intertwined with Momo's. Sana also stared at the car and it was going awfully slow. She furrowed her brows and looked ahead of the car. Two guys were walking side by side and Sana could only speculate one thing. "I think he's following those two guys." Sana discreetly pointed at the two guys who were on the other side of the sidewalk.

"Why? They look normal to me." Momo questioned while taking a sip of her green tea.

"You never know Momoring. Could be gangster related." Sana sighed. In this small town, there was gangs almost everywhere. Small or big, they were dangerous. "Let's follow them."

"What!? Are you crazy!?" Momo pulled her arm away from Sana and looked at her as if she was crazy. "What will we even do!?"

"We can be witnesses!" Sana defended.

"No! If it's gang related, I don't want any part of it. Plus, we can get killed!" Momo for once had a point. She was correct but Sana didn't let that stop her. Her idea was insane but she felt like she needed to help those two guys. If they do end up dead, most likely they'll be on the news and she would have to carry that guilt of not helping them.

"Suit yourself!" Sana huffed and continued walking leaving a dumbfounded Momo.

"H-Hey! Come back!" Momo followed her, not liking what she was going to get into.


"He's taking a while in there." Junho laid his head back against the brick wall. Hikaru kept his eyes on the door but was also growing tired. "You don't think they're..." Junho raised his hand, his left index finger and thumb form a circle, inserting his right index finger inside. "You know?"

"I don't want to think about that." Hikaru replied even though Junho didn't understand him, he laughed at his disgusted face. Junho was too distracted to even keep eye on his surroundings. Hikaru was too focused on the door. Both of them didn't check their backs, not even once.

They didn't notice or sense someone was approaching them from behind. Swiftly, a cloth covered Junho's mouth, making him let out a muffled scream. When Hikaru turned around, he was instantly knocked out by a punch in the face. Both of them were on the ground unconscious.

"You didn't have to go that hard Daigo." Kai clicked his tongue. Daigo was panting and wiping the blood from his knuckles. Suddenly, one of the walkie talkies beeped, making the two look down. "Just like real spies." Kai chuckled as he squatted, picking up the small, now damaged, radio. Daigo quickly tied the both unconscious guys. He covered their mouth with rags and Hikaru slowly woke up.

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