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Chaeyoung's eyes slowly opened and he shut them back closed. The fluorescent light blinded him and he lowly groaned. He was about to sit up when a hand stopped him. "Not too fast." A soft voice called and he looked to his right. A nurse was beside him, a surgeon's mask covering half of her face. He looked around and found other wounded soldiers. He was still in a haze and it took him a bit to get to his senses.

" is it?" Chaeyoung's voice was slightly dry and the nurse gave him water. He took a big gulp and the nurse got hold of the now empty bottle.

"It's the middle of September." She answered him. "You were asleep for almost 3 months." Chaeyoung looked at his legs that were covered by a warm blue blanket. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. He didn't expect himself to be taken out by a simple bullet. He was starting to remember everything. "The war is still going on as well." She took a glance at the other soldiers being treated by the nurses.

"I have to go out there to help."

"No you won't." Another voice called and both of them turned to the approaching figure. "You're injured and I can't let you go out like that." Jihyo was standing in front of the bed. Her arms behind her. She looked distressed and tired. Eye bags were showing and she had a clean bare face. Usually, Jihyo would wear simple and natural makeup but ever since the war broke out and the whole Kai situation, she gave up on her appearance.


"No buts. That's an order." Chaeyoung sighed and nodded. He sat up against the pillow behind him. The nurse excused herself and left the two alone. "How are you feeling?" She dragged out a chair that was unoccupied.

"Better. I can love my arm around like normal." Chaeyoung tried to move it but he could feel a small ache. 'Guess 3 months wasn't enough.' Chaeyoung looked at his sergeant. "You don't look great though, everything alright?"

"Yes. Just got done attending court for Kai and his friend." She had her arms crossed, sitting very still while looking at the floor. Her voice was dry and serious. "They're both being sent to jail. They'll do their time. Kai is also discharged for treason so he won't be coming back anymore." Chaeyoung nodded at that. He was glad that they weren't killed or anything. After some silence she finally spoke, with a soft tone this time. "Your mom called." Chaeyoung quickly turned to her.

"What did she say?" Chaeyoung was sitting up from his bed.

"I told her what happened to you. I had to console her for maybe 10 minutes." She chuckled. "She was calling me because you never picked up your phone. You also didn't text or call her before the accident?" Chaeyoung bit his lip in guilt. It was true. He was too busy with his mission he forgot to even talk to his mom.

"Yeah, I guess I got too engrossed in the work." He scratched his nape in embarrassment. Jihyo slightly smiled at him.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that." Jihyo exhaled as she stood up. Chaeyoung followed her with his eyes. "You're getting medically discharged. Because of your injures, my superiors think you're unable to perform the required duties." Chaeyoung sighed. He couldn't argue with that. If his superiors said so then he has no reason to fight.

"I feel better though." He slightly winced and Jihyo chuckled.

"Sure tiger. Come, let's pack your stuff." Jihyo gave her hand to him. Chaeyoung held it and he slightly wobbled. Being asleep for 3 months and not using his legs made him feel like a baby taking his first steps.

They made it out to the infirmary and both went to the dorms. Apparently, Tzuyu stopped by to get his stuff, including Junho's and Hikaru's. Their things were valuable and expensive. Hikaru suggested to Tzuyu and Tzuyu didn't mind.

Love at War - MiChaengWhere stories live. Discover now