Chapter 9

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POV: Vissarion

As I look down from my book I watched Everest and Malachi on both of my sides sleeping, they both look so cute and peaceful.

I caress Malachi face

I could tell this poor boy have been through a lot and no telling what his father made him do at a young age

Why do I have the urge to protect him now? He have been an ass to Everest since I gotten here no telling how long he had been picking on him but why do I want to start protecting him all of sudden?

I moved my hand because he was waking up opening his eyes. He looked up and stared at me

"H-Hi" he said as he sat up "I'm sorry for just crying on you at school earlier that's just weird and awkward of me and I just shouldn't be here so imma go. But thank you for letting me get some rest though" he was moving off the bed until I gently placed my hand on his wrist

"Everest wouldn't want you to leave so just stay until he wakes up okay? Or wait until the morning he probably would want to talk to you" I let go as he agreed and laid back down but didn't get close like he was before he woke up

I decided to pull him closer he yelped as I moved him closer

"Get comfortable okay?"

He cuddle and buried his face onto my side

I smiled


I made sure they was covered and went back to reading my book I wasn't sleepy and I'm not an early sleeper either so I'm going to be up for while

<4 hours later>

I turned a page on the book that I was still reading

Malachi had moved his hand on my crotch which was where my dick was and he was rubbing his hand back and forth

I didn't know what to do but ut really felt good

I grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze as I move his hand to his side

But now I was hard on

I sighed

As I was getting up to leave to go the bathroom Malachi woke up

"Your still up?" He rubbed his eyes looking up at me with his sleepy face which for no apparent reason turned me on even more

God why does this have to happen to me??

He is not even my boyfriend and I'm getting turned on by him

"Y-Yeah sorry I was just going to the bathroom okay?"

"Woah dude your hard on??"

He seen my boner

"Shhh please don't wake up Everest"

"I-I'm sorry" he blushed

"How that happened though?" His face was red he must of realized he asked that question

I chuckled to myself

"In your sleep you put your hand between there and started rubbing" i smiled at his reaction as his face got even redder and he buried his face in my pillow

I rubbed his back

"It's okay Malachi people do a lot of things in there sleep that they don't mean to do I'm not worried" I said sincerely

As we was talking Everest woke up

I mentally facepalmed myself

"What are you guys doing up so late?" He yawned still sleepy

"Nothing!" We said together

He looked back and forth between us

"Are you guys sure??" He look at Malachi then me

"I accidentally got a hard on" I look down in embarrassment

"Malachi accidentally put his hand on my crotch in his sleep and rubbed it and now I'm with this" I rubbed the back of my head I know poor Malachi is embrassed

Everest looked at Malachi then back to me

"Do you need help babe?~" Everest asked and I smiled. I love his little slutty mouth

"Ofc I do bunny"

Me and Everest forgetting Malachi was on the side of us he jumped out the bed grabbing his stuff that he could find

"Wait don't leave stay" Everest went after him stopping him before he could walk out

"I-I should go home Everest my dad is probably wondering where I am and is probably super mad at me" he says

I got out of bed and walked behind Malachi putting my chest against his back making sure their was no space between us

I rubbed the side of his arm then wrapping my arms around his waist burying my nose into his neck

"Don't go, stay have fun with us" I said

"N-No!" He pushed me away breathing heavily

Everest walked up to him cupping his face then kissing him I walked up to them placing each of my hands on both of their backs rubbing them. I watched as Malachi relaxed and kissed Everest back

I was getting turned in even more

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