Chapter 19

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POV : Everest
My heart clenched when those words came out of Vissarion mouth in fact broke it

I quietly went back to the room and went under the cover and curled up a ball and sobbed until I couldn't anymore

What broke me even more was that he was my boyfriend not Malachi and he loved him even more

I cried until I couldn't anymore and eventually I went to sleep

*Next morning*

I woke up to just me in the bed and that sad feeling came back and Vissarion words popping up in my head just repeating

Tears started to drop from my face hitting the sheets forming wet spots

Have I did something wrong?

Do I not spend enough time with him?

Have I been distance?

Hell think Everest! Before you lose your damn boyfriend

I got up to see where they were but I straight myself up and wiped my face so it don't like I was crying

As I walked down the hallway loud chatter and noise of dishes clinging together came from the kitchen

They were cooking breakfast

Vissarion was the first to notice me just standing there watching them with smiles on there face by and happiness bouncing off of them

My heart tightened

Vissarion comes up and hugs me 

Then it hit me I didn't want to lose this what we had between us I loved Vissarion with all my heart and he was my first time and first relationship

I didn't want to lose this at all

What am I suppose to do without him? Who even am I without him?

I started crying into his shirt soaking it

"Hey hey what's wrong??" He pulled me back from my shoulders to get a good look at my face

I looked down I couldn't control my tears and the sobs coming from me

"V-Vissarion do you love me??" I said through my sobs

"Ofc babyboy ofc I love you, do you think I don't ??" He ask concerned

I looked at Malachi as he also had this concerned look on his face he picked up one of my hands caressing it

"I heard the conversation between you and Malachi last night Vissarion, and it hurt me that you wanted to keep this from me because I don't want to lose you at all your my first everything, to my first boyfriend to my first time. I don't want to lose you" I said as I sobbed harder

I couldn't control it

He embraced me tightly

"I meant those words Everest every single one of them but one" he backed away grabbing me of Malachi hands and then mines

"I love both of you equally just as much as I love you кукла" he looked at me and gave me small smile "I love you кролик" he looked at Malachi which made him blush

"Malachi would you do me and кукла a honor to become our boyfriend?" I looked at Vissarion then Malachi waiting for his answer

He nodded his head "yes of course Vissarion" he smiled

Which made me and Vissarion smile

He embraced me and kissed me then hugged Malachi and gave him a kiss, I looked at Malachi and kissed him It was the first time me and him actually kissed and I felt a spark fly through my body making my heart rate go up and me blushing

He wrap his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck

We broke the kiss putting our head together

"I care for you Everest the first boy to be my crush and really like and get jealous over, I would have never put your happiness in jeopardy ever and I love you just as much as I like Vissarion"

He kissed my cheek I looked at both of them and I felt happy.

I don't know what this relationship have in store for me I don't know if it'll bring me pain or happiness but I know I wasn't planning on thinking about it or the future rn I know that I had to focus on the now and my new beginnings

I know some people were highly upset with Vissarion and Malachi but don't be sometimes people can't control who they like or love and it does have a big effect on a lot of people even your love ones but sometimes it's for the best or even your happiness

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