Chapter 20

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               ⚠️Cursing* Violence*⚠️

POV : Everest

Since we asked Malachi to be our boyfriend, it's been amazing me and Vissarion are closer then ever with him and we have amazing communication

Whenever I feel overwhelmed I tell him and Malachi and they understand, Malachi gives me a couple hours of space with Vissarion he goes out with friends

Which Vissarion thinks is blasphemous because he told me what happened with Azzie and I also didn't like that when he told me but they are still his friends and he cares for them like brothers

I just hope Azzie know that he is off limits or I'll sic Vissarion on his ass

But currently me and Vissarion was laying on the couch watching tv, Malachi had just came from being out with his friends they wanted to go somewhere after school we told him it was okay

As you could tell me and Vissarion are very overprotective of Malachi and we don't want no hurting him or even looking at him

I guess that'll be a habit

But we have to be reasonable Malachi is not property to tell what he can do he is his own free person.

"All clean" Malachi says coming around the corner but then the door bell rings "I'll go get it" he says skipping to the door

POV : Malachi

As I was walking to my boyfriends on the couch the doorbell ranged and since I was up I went go get it

"I'll go get it" I say skipping to the door

As I opened door my face dropped in horror

What the fuck he was doing here!?

Then all of suddenly I was being grabbed by the throat and pushed into the wall his hand was around my throat and he was squeezing the crap out of it

"Where the fuck you been you fucking brat!!" He screamed in angry

"D-Dad I can-" I tried to say

"Shut the fuck up you little shit!" He squeezed tighter

"What the fuck is going on here! Let him go you fucking bastard!!" Vissarion he growls in angry as he view the sight before him

My dad threw me to the ground

I gasped for air breathing heavily, that was definitely going to leave a mark "I want to you pack whatever shit you got and come home now" He said fixing him

"He is not going anywhere with you засранец!" Vissarion walked in front of me while Everest came by side checking on me "are you okay babe??"

I nodded my head my throat hurt to much to speak "who the hell do you think you are to grabbing him like that!!?" Everest snapped

I never seen him so angry

"I'm his father, that's who I am and I want him to home not living with strangers I had to find out from your friends that you were living with them" Everest face dropped and he held onto my arm and started shaking

Vissarion he was full of anger I'm surprised he didn't pounce on my dad yet but his hands was balled up in a super tight ball

"He is not going anywhere" Vissarion gritted out

"Oh who is going to stop me from taking him??" My dad chuckled

Vissarion took a step closer I think if my dad said anything else he'll end up in the hospital

"Vissarion it's okay" I said weakly

"No your FCUKING not Malachi, you aren't going anywhere with him" he looked at me with actual "HELL NO YOUR NOT" eyes

"P-Please" I got up slowly and grabbed his and pulled him by Everest

"I have to go with him, my dad have strong connections and since he knows I've been staying with you, he'll send someone after you guys. I don't want anything bad to happen to you both I'll hate myself" tears started to form

"P-Please" I begged Vissarion embraced me tightly and I wrapped my arms around him

"I'll call you as soon as I get there okay" I kissed his cheek and went to Everest he was a shaking and crying mess

"Don't cry my love" I hugged him and he wrapped himself around me tightly

I started crying as he broke down in my arms we were both crying and I hate to see them like this but it's for there protection my dad is a very powerful man and no telling what he can do

"I really love you guys.."

I looked at both them and walked out the door with my father

I know I was going to be back very soon I just don't know how soon

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