Chapter 1

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POV: Everest

I walked done the hall with my head down, I didn't want to be bother by anyone right know, I was having a bad morning me and my bother Ethan got into it and I got yelled at by my dad and his mom which he was the one who needed to get yelled at after he tore up my clothes that I had recently just fucking brought. But instead no I got yelled at for confronting him about it.

Which sucks

I walked into class being the first one in and sitting in the back by the window where I always sit isolated and for no one to bother me at all. As seconds past more people spewed into class sitting where they sit and where their friends are, chatter filled up the class getting louder. Our teacher Ms.Crocker is always late so that gives everyone to discuss what happended over their weekend but as you can tell i'm the loner that doesn't have no friends to talk to because everyone and I mean everyone thinks i'm a freak or if they be friends with me they'll get target by Malachi and his goons.

Malachi is in the same grade with me he doesn't like me because I accidently bumped into him our freshman year because HE wasn"t paying attention to where he was going and ever since then he have had it out for me and I honestlly I could care less because I don't but it is starting to become aggravating and I don't want to deal with their shit at all

But speak of the devil as soon I was getting my mind off him he walks in with the four of his goons behind him Luke, Azzie, Damien, and Kai and I got to say all of them looks fine as fuck I just want them to put the tip in even if they are assholes to me

They may pick on me a lot put that's the only compliment they are getting from me

"well, well look who is here this fine morning" Malachi says

I rolled my eyes

"how is the little fag doing?" Kai barked as the other laughed

"your father didn't call me that when I was jerking him off the other night, quite the opposite" a smiled curled on my face

His friends snicker trying to hold their laughter

"you bitch" he got closer with his vein popping out his forehead

Malachi moved Kai back

"everyone in your seats now, and don't make me say it again" Ms. Crokcer came yelling at Malachi and his friends

"this is not over Evie" Malachi says kicking my chair almost knocking me on my ass, I sighed moving my chair back in place. I just wanted the class to be over with

"Now students i wanted to annouce that we will be having a new student tomorrow who will be from another country he is Russian so he might not know anything you say at all, but i'm saying this because I want you all to be polite and kind and help him an anyway you can." she gave a smile and went straight to teaching

Oh wow a forgein student this will be exciting

The bell had ring it was finally our last class for the day and I was happy now I could go home and get some sleep but of course I have to talk to Vissarion first, oh yeah Vissarion is my online boyfriend we have been dating for 2 years and in a month would be 3 years. I trust him with whole life he is the only one who gets me and listen to me even when my family doesn't 

He is my soulmate even though we have not seen each other yet but we have sent mutiple face photos to each other including other things you know..

I texted Vissiarion as I walked in my front door I ddin't bother to see if my family were sitting at the dinner table when I know they are because I heard loud laughing, I hurried and went upstairs. I didn't want to get in a arugment with any of them tonight i'm to tired for that shit

I looked at my phone and didn't see a text back and he always text me as soon as I do, I frowned.

My eyes were getting droopy and next minute later blackness was all that I could see 

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