Chapter 13

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POV : Malachi

It was now the Saturday and Kyle party was tonight

I had to go look for an outfit for it since I wanted to look nice but not classy

But Kyle party was not the only thing on my mind, the other day since Vissarion left me in the closet it broke my heart when he said I had to leave them both alone. I like them both I really do

But I will obey his wishes, I'll leave them alone so now tonight I will get laid with any girl that comes up to me and they will be off my mind simple as that

I pulled up to target and went in and looked around for some nice clothes

It's been 2 weeks since I went home, I knew my time with the hotel would be running out soon and that I'll have to pay again, I had no where else to stay my mom passed when I was young which turned to my dad marrying my step mom

So it's just been us three, my step mom is a nice and sweet lady she takes more care of me then my dad and we are blood related

I found a nice black punk tshirt with black jeans and I would get any shoes that I had at the hotel so I'm good with this outfit

I went check out my clothes and headed to my car to go back to my hotel

Once I got there and to my room I decided to take a nap before I got dressed for the party

I plopped myself on the bed and closed my eyes and fell to sleep

POV : Everest

"So babe I heard my friend brother is having a get to know them party and everyone is invited, do you want to go?" I asked as me and him was snuggled together on his couch

I didn't get an answer right away so I flipped myself with my face facing him and my back towards the tv.

He looked at me like he was lost in his thoughts

"What are you thinking about my love?" I traced my hand along his side moving it up and down

"Nothing Детская кукла" he pecked my lips

A smile crawled on my face as we snuggled closer

He sighed "we can go, gives up a chance to get a breather for this house"

I got up and jumped up and down excited

I ran to the room and got my clothes out it was party time!!
POV : Malachi

My alarm was ringing loud as hell which woke me up

I looked at time and then to the window, it was now dark

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took my shower

I put on my clothes and then my black air max

I get my phone and keys and shut off the lights and headed out to Kyle house

My friend Azzie had already sent my the address before Saturday hit so I put it in my GPS and headed over there

It was now 8:00 which the party started 30 minutes ago which was okay because parties always last until the damn morning I think

40 minutes later I pulled up to this huge mansion  driving down Kyle huge driveway

Wow that is a gorgeous house

I got out my car and headed to the door they had people outside drinking, dancing, and even kissing.

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