Chapter 16

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POV : Malachi

After a couple nights ago with Vissarion things have been really good I have gotten really close with him and also with Everest too

We spend a lot of time together watching movies, going on walks, even making dinner and baking basically everything

I never experienced this with anyone so it's been great but we still haven't talked about what we are or how we all feel

I like them both but it seems my liking is more on Vissarion now

He knows how to push my buttons the right way and I've gotten use to that nice feeling

We were currently in the living room watching a movie Everest was cuddle up with Vissarion on one end of the sofa while I was on the other end watching the movie

*Ding Dong*

"Oh it must be my friend!" I pulled the covers off me and ran to the door

It was my friend Azzie he called because I haven't really been in touch with the group lately and I felt bad so I asked if he wanted to come over and watch a movie with us. He wasn't fond when I told him with who but eventually my charm worked on him

I opened the door and there he stood with his arms folded a familiar warm smile appeared on his face


" Mal" he said as he embraced me picking me up and spinning me around like one of those Disney princesses

He put me down and moved his hands by my waist

I gave him a smile back

"What you been up to? It's been a minute"

I nod my head "Ive been hanging around with Everest and his bf we are cool now" I said

"That's nice" he smiled

"Come" I said

He kept his hands on waist following me as we enter curious eyes meeting us

"This is Azzie one of my best friends" I introduced moving to the side of him and he still kept his hands on my waist

I screamed in my head I knew how much Vissarion was a jealous person so I didn't dare to look at his face

"Hi nice to meet yall, I'm pretty sure you already know me Everest" he put his head down I know he also felt regret to the things we have said and did to him

"I'm sorry, for everything" he said with so much sincerity

"It's okay, I promise I have forgiven Malachi so I forgive you too" he said with a small smile on face

Me and Azzie sat down I put the cover over us and we got comfortable and I kept a small space between us

But Azzie had to be himself and put his hand on my thigh and rub up and down my thigh

I looked at him and smiled

It was soothing his touch but I felt horrible because he always had a crush on me but I didn't like him like that

I remember the first time he told me he was gay and that he had a crush on me

I accepted him but I told him I didn't like him like that I was straight at the time

But since the feelings I feel towards Vissarion and Everest. I told him over the phone that I'm bi now and that I always had a crush on Everest since the beginning of freshman year

I know it hurt him that I didn't like him in some way but I knew he accepted it

I started to get cold and I was shivering a bit and Azzie noticed

"Here" I looked at him, he had pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me I melted against him as I felt his body heat so I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his side

And we continued to watch the movie

But I felt like someone was glaring at me so I look up at Everest and Vissarion

Vissarion was glaring at me and Azzie like he wanted to bite both of our heads off

But I gave him a reassuring smile as soon as I did that his gaze softened and he returned a smile back and we went back to watching tv

The night went by fast soon it was midnight and time for Azzie to go home so I walked him out the door

We stayed on the steps for a bit talking about this and that what the friend group been up too

He looked at me with this look like he have something he wants to get off his chest

"What is it Azzie?" I ask curiously

He looked down

"Can I kiss you Malachi just this once?" He still stared down kicking his foot back and forth nervously moving around with his hands in his pocket waiting for my answer

"Yes Azzie you can"

He jerked his head up and looked at me with this surprise look

"R-Really Mal?" He stuttered out

I nodded my head

He moved one step being a lil taller then me I looked up at him making eye contact I knew it would of made him a little bit nervous

He took his hands out his pocket and then cupped my face gentle and his soft lips touched mines kissing me so gentle he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him

We moved our head side to side as we continued to kiss it had went to elegantly to sloppy as he bit down on my lip making me moan into his mouth

He broke the kiss and backed up

I blushed at the kiss we just shared and I'll say it's something I'll never forget between me and him

"Call me okay Azzie, tell me when you safely make it home" I said smiling ear to ear

He nodded pecking my check as he walked off also smiling his goofy grin like he just had won a prize and it was worth it

I went back in the house and locked up and went to the kitchen to get a drink

And there was Vissarion eyeing me my every move as I walked to the fridge grabbing me a water

"Why did you let him kiss you?" He said so bluntly

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