Bulled again

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Hey guys, first part is here I can't wait to do this I wanted what is close to me and since I have dyspraxia and autism I wanted to make a book, but Charlie has autism, but it comes with some bullying kids don't know what autistic people go through but enjoy.
TW violence and bullying also homophobia

Charlie's POV:
I wake up from Tori who is next to my bed, I scream and say "Jesus Tori do you have to do that" while's my hands are in the air.

Tori laughs and says "sorry Charles mum wanted me to wake you up for school" I clap my hands I do that when I'm happy it's called stimming I got diagnosed with autism when I was 5 it was hard for me since I didn't know what it was, but now I do I have a best friend Nick.

I hate people touching me I don't know I let my mum, dad and sister and Tao Elle and Isaac but can't wait to see them all again missed them so much even though Elle is in Higgs.

I go downstairs and eat breakfast and go to school with noise-cancelling headphones since I don't like loud noises so I wear them I get off the bus and see Tao and Isaac and give them a hug, and they ask "how are you doing Charlie" I say "I'm doing okay I guess good to be back with you to" we smile and go.

I started to head to form until a group of rugby boys came up to me and shoved me into a locker what made me yelp in pain they started saying "what is autism anyway are you sure your not dumb and worthless like always you are also your gay I mean come on" I felt tears in my eyes I can not believe I'm getting bullied again but this time it's because I'm autistic.

After getting kicked and shoved a lot of times I made it to form and sit next to Nick he looks at me worried in his eyes he says "Charlie are you okay what happened" I just stay quiet and not letting tears flow down like a baby I say "I'm fine Nick don't worry about me" I fiddle with my fidget since I'm getting anxious from what happened before form ends, and I have maths I walk with Nick because we have the same class together.

We walk and hear the same rugby boys say "oh look who it is it's the gay autistic boy who can't do anything" I just ignore them, but I know Nick is going to say something he says "Oi fuck off it's his superpower not something he ashamed off now fuck of and go to lesson" I turn to him and say "thank you, Nick" and hug him what took Nick by surprise he says "Charlie are you sure your comfortable enough for me to hug you" I nod, and he hugs me back.

I get these butterflies in my stomach I have never been in a real love before I had Ben, but he was a bitch to me and never liked him for it.

I go to lessons, and we have afternoon form before we go I sit next to Nick and I ask "can I come over today" Nick looks shocked but says "of course Charlie" we finish school I put my noises cancelling headphones since all the kids screaming is annoying I hold Nicks hand to calm me down Nick knows everything so we arrive at Nick's house.

We open the door and see Sarah in the kitchen making herself a cup of coffee I yell "hello Sarah!" she jumps and says "hello darling are you okay" I nod and say "sorry that I made you jump didn't mean to" she says "oh Charlie no needs to apologise" she goes and hugs me and I accept it, and we go to nicks room, and he says "sorry for the mess" I laugh and say "it's alright Nick don't worry" I cleaned his room because of OCD he says thanks and I hug him to stop saying sorry.

Then I say "Nick I got something to tell you" I want to tell Nick that I like him in a romantic way he says "of course Charlie anything you want" I say "I like you Nick in a romantic way" he just stays there and I think to myself that I'm stupid for it.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this part I will fix the spellings and grammar, and thanks for 64 views love you all and can't believe it and follow this book journey and get to know more about autism and autistic people have a great night. Xx :)
~Josh 805 Words

Nick and Charlie In school Where stories live. Discover now