Jane the monster

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Hey guys, hope you like this one this is a sad one thanks for 1.95K I really appreciate it and love you all so much and it's all in Charlie's POV

Charlie's POV:
I wake up and relies it's the day of me going home and I'm so scared because I know my mum is not really the happy person and I've been at Nick's for 5 days and I have to go home and go home and see Ollie and Tori and I'm just glad to see them again I know Tori would misses me because when she found out that I have autism she was like the big caring sister and would love to hang out with me but she older and stays in her room most of the day but she loves to check in and she the one who bought me the noise cancelling headphones because mum said it was a waste and didn't need it.

I was awake for a while because Nick was in front of me he says "char are you okay" I say "yes I'm fine just worrying about today" he says "it's going to be fine Charlie she wouldn't do anything to do would she" I say "I don't know Nick" I got a bag and start to pack and I go into the bathroom to get change I get change and put on my noise cancelling headphones and play some music to calm down I go downstairs and see David and Sarah having breakfast they see me and Sarah says "oh come back anytime darling" I say "I will don't worry anyway got to go" David says  to me "are you sure you don't want breakfast" I say "no I'll eat later bye" they say bye and I kiss Nick bye.

I walk and got home and open the door and see mum in the kitchen she turns to me and I can tell she mad she says "OI DON'T COME BACK INTO THE HOUSE LIKE AFTER 5 DAYS AT YOUR PATHETIC BOYFRIENDS HOUSE" I say "pathetic god mum you don't get it do you your a monster!" She turns around and looks at me in my eyes she walks over to me and slaps me and pushes me to the floor and kicks me I look and see Tori comes down and gets mum of me.

Tori says "what are you doing mum you can't beat up your own son!" Mum says "he not my son he is a disappointment and a pathetic fag" I go upstairs and go into the bathroom and I grab a blade and cut myself 5 times on each wrists and put a hoodie on and go back downstairs Tori comes to me and ties to pull me into a hug but I flinched she says "hey your safe with me I'm not going to hurt you I'm promise" I hug her and start to cry she holds me and keeps whispering sweet stuff to me and takes care of me I say "I can't stay here with her Tori and where dad" she says "dad dead 3 days ago from mum"

What no that can't be true mum killed dad no no no no no I start to cry again and say "why did he have to die" Tori says "I know I was upset but I can't leave because Ollie would be alone with her I'm going to call the police" I understand this day can't get any worse for me the police arrive and takes mum into the back of the police car and drives off I say "I'm going to stay a Nicks tonight if that's okay" she says "of course I'll stay here for any news on mum and looking after Ollie please take care of yourself Charlie" I nod and I walk to Nick's house and start to remember that dad dead the only person who was supportive and nice but I lost him I can't believe it and then getting hit by mum is just the last of it.

I must of cried because when David opens the door I throw my arms into him and cry he says "hey what happened" I shake my head I must of gone non-verbal I go into the kitchen and see Nick and Sarah in the kitchen I see Nicks worried face and pulls me into a hug he goes grab my non-verbal tablet thing if I wanted to say then I would be able to use it Sarah asks "do you want anything to eat darling" I shake my head Nick must of relies that I have a mark on my face he says "who hit you" I say "my mum she was mad and she slapped me and pushed me into the floor and started to kick me and hit me" the faces what Sarah David and Nick was all worried and Sarah says "your mum hits you" I say "yea normally my dad was there but he wasn't there"

David says "why wasn't he there" I say "because my mum killed him the only other person expect for Tori who cared for me and he died" I started sobbing again Sarah pulls me into a hug and says "I'm so sorry dear that happened to you but your always welcome here where your mum" I say "Tori called the cops and she been taken into the police station for questioning" I think that's a enough questions for me I just want to sleep and cry to sleep but I say "can I go upstairs and get a shower" Sarah says "of course dear shout us if you need anything" I nod and go upstairs and go into the bathroom to get into the shower I go in and slide down the wall and cry again but I get up and wash my hair and get dressed into PJ and go into Nicks bed and around 10 minutes later nick comes in and goes into the bathroom to get change and comes back out.

He gets into bed and pulls my head into my chest he says "I'll be here don't worry no one going to hurt you I promise" with his words I start to clam down and I feel my eyes start to drift and I go to sleep.

Hey guys, hope you like it and   I love you all so much and have a great day/night and have a great rest of your weekend. xx :)
~Josh 1102 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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