I'll protect you no matter what

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Hey guys, new part is out thanks for 143 views and love your support on this book, this one's a happy one and a sad one but love you guys and have a great night.
TW OCD/Panic attack/Bullying/ED

Charlie's POV:
I am in Nick's house, and I'm about to say that I have a crush on him, I'm so nervous, but I have my favourite fidget, so I don't get anxious.

I say "Nick I have s-omething to te-ll y-ou" he looks at me with concerned look in his face he says "you can tell me anything Charlie I'll support you no matter what" I'm glad that he said that.

I say "Nick I have a crush on you" I said quickly and looked down to my feet he didn't say anything I was about to go until Nick said "NO don't go Charlie I like you to I have a crush on you also" I go up to him and give him a hug with my fidget in my hand.

He says "Charlie promise me if those rugby guys come up to you please promises me I'll protect you no matter what" I nod, and I had to go home, so my mum doesn't get mad at me.

I'm back home and go straight to Tori room and blurted out "I've got a boyfriend" Tori sat up and said "WHAT WHO" she yelled I say "Tori quiet down it's Nick Nelson" Tori looks shocked and said "oooo you asked out Nick finally took you ages" my face was red.

I went to sleep and Tori woke me up, and I got dressed packed my bag in order because of OCD I shake my hands from me stimming I go downstairs and put my pack lunch in my bag and got my noise-cancelling headphones on and get a breakfast bar out of the cupboard for breakfast.

Me and Tori walked out and got on the bus and went to school I waved bye to Tori and started to go to form and go to see Nick I have my fidget in my hand until someone shoved me into a locker and then picked up my fidget I yell "GIVE IT BACK I NEED IT" they say "aww the autistic boy wants his fidget back too bad" I yell again "PLEASE I NEED IT" they shoved me again and left.

My breathing is quickly, tears go down my face and I put my knees to my face and covered my hands and hide my face.

Nick's POV:
I am waiting for Charlie to come to form until I see the same rugby boys who bullied Charlie yesterday, but they have Charlie's fidget I tell the form teacher I needed toilet he let me go.

I was walking and saw someone near the lockers with their knees to their face and hands in their head with black curly hair.

I realise it's Charlie I run over to him and say "Charlie it's okay copy my breathing" he tries, but it doesn't work "Shit" I say "Charlie say 5 things you can see" he says "you... the floor... the lockers...my knees...and the roof.

I say "4 things you can feel" he says "your hands...my hair...the floor...my hands" he calms down and hugs me, I hug back.

I say "what happened Charlie" he says "the same boys shoved me into the lockers twice, and they took my fidget I need it Nick I need it"

His breathing goes quick again I say "Charlie it's okay calm down I will find it don't worry I'll get it for you" he calmed down again, and I'm mad, how could they hurt such a boy.

I go and find them I saw them with Charlie's fidget I shove the guy to the locker he says "What was that for" I go up to his face "You say shit to Charlie again your dead" he says "Aww you're protecting that autistic bitch" without realising I punch him get the fidget and walk away.

Charlie's POV:
I just finish the lesson, and it's now lunch, and I'm in the art room I told Mr Ajayi about the boys and what they said, and he said I could stay here for the rest of the day I see Nick come in he said "hey char I got something for you" I blush and say "say it again" he looks confused and says "say what again" I say "the nickname Nick" he blush and says "what char" I flap my hands and say "yea".

I hug him, and he says "I found this" I looked confused, and he pulls out the fidget and I grab it and hug him and say "thank you so much Nick, I can't believe you found it" we get out of the hug since I don't like physical touch that much.

It was the end of the day I said bye to Nick and hug him I go back home try and have lunch but couldn't mum wasn't here to have ago at me, I put my lunch and the rest of the pack lunch in the bin and go upstairs brush my teeth and headed to my room and play the drums and headed to bed.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this part I am enjoying writing this book because it's something what I've been through being autistic and people not giving a crap, but you learn but hope you have a great afternoon love you all. xx :)
~Josh 939 Words

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