Back to school

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this one and thanks for 787 views I really appreciate it and love you all so much and have a great Thursday.

Charlie's POV:
Life sucks being autistic and having mental health problems is bad because I hate my mum she so mean and thinks I'm faking my illness and she couldn't give a dam.

I haven't eaten for 6 days and my vision keeps going but I ignore it and keep going after a 2 week break it's back to school and I'm getting ready and I get my bag but my noise cancelling headphones on and get my lunch and put it in the bin and I go to the bus stop and go on it and I'm at school.

I haven't seen the bully's yet what is great so I don't get push into a locker and I'm on my way to form I didn't see Tao and Isaac I nearly there until I hear.

"OI fag how are you" I say "shut up bitch" they say "oooo look the fag got confidant" then I get pushed into the locker and they took off my noise cancelling headphones off and they kept yelling at me and it's like 3 times worse.

They stoped and but my noise cancelling headphones on the floor and they broke I go and go to form and sit next to Nick.

Nick can tell that something happened because I haven't got my noise cancelling headphones he says "where your noise cancelling headphones char" I put my hands to my ears and say "they broke someone broke them!" He takes me out of form into a empty classroom and says "char it's alright I'm here who broke them" I say "the rugby lads who been bullying me for ages they broke them when they pushed me into a locker" Nick looks at me and hugs me and says "don't worry I'll buy you new ones" I smile.

I feel faint and I grip on to Nick's shirt he says "are you alright char your pale" before I could say anything I passed out.

Nick's POV:
I notice Charlie is so pale I say "are you alright char your pale" the next thing he was falling to the floor and I caught him in time and put him to the floor I don't know what happened but I know that them bully's broke his noise cancelling headphones.

He been passed out for 5 minutes he gained consciousness and says "what happened" covering his ears I say "you passed out char are you okay" he says "no I haven't eaten 6 days and now my noise cancelling headphones broken now I just want to go"

I smile and say "I can call my mum and pick us up" he says "that would be great playing with his fidget"

*on going call*
N (Nick) S (Sarah/Nick's mum)

S: darling why are you calling me your meant to be at school.

N: I know but it's Charlie he can't go home because of his mum.

S: Is he okay.

N: No the same bully's they pushed Charlie into a locker and then they took off his noise cancelling headphones and he passed out because he hasn't eaten in 6 days.

S: don't worry I'll pick you both up from school.

N: Thanks mum love you

S: Love you to Nicky bye


*ended call*

"Char my mum is picking us up" he says "thanks Nick" I say "no problem baby" I kiss his forehead and head to the office and sigh me and Charlie out and head to my mums car.

I get in the back to support Charlie without his noise cancelling headphones she says "here Charlie I bought some new noise cancelling headphones it was only 12 quid" I look at her and say "thanks mum" I give them to Charlie and he "thanks Sarah I can pay you back" she smiles and says "no Charlie it's okay you need them"

Charlie's POV:
We arrived I get out and more relaxed because Sarah bought me with new noise cancelling headphones and got my fidget in my hand so it's more better then before.

Nick takes me upstairs and I take off my coat and he says "you sure your okay" I smile and say "yea" Nick says "do you want some fruit for lunch" I smile and nod we go downstairs and see Sarah got me some fruit she says "I knew you wanted fruit so here you are" I smile and say "thanks Sarah"

I take the bowl and eat it and it takes around 40 minutes but I ate it all and Nick takes me back to his roll and he says "I'm so proud of you" and kisses me I say "I love you Nick" he says "I love you to char" I smile.

We go back into Nicks room and play some Mario kart and then Nick made me some pasta then I got home and drifted of to sleep.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this part this book is amazing and next one will be a happy one buy hope you have a great weekend and love you all so much. xx :)
~Josh 887 Words

Nick and Charlie In school Where stories live. Discover now