Chapter 2

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Firefly landed quietly on the ground, Qibli and Winter fell onto the ground with a thud. Winter looked at a tree brach behind them, with an annoyed face. Firefly and Glory searched around the place, Rainwatcher was listing for any thoughts. Firefly made a small gasp.

"Guys" She said "Is this frostbreath?" Winter nodded "It looks like something was blocking the shot." Firefly guessed "Something or someone."

"Those look like drag marks" Qibli agreed 

 'If I'd killed someone, I would drag them off and hide them'. Firefly thought 'Hmm. Would I? No. I would leave them there'

The followed the drag marks up towards a hill, and there was an uneven area of dirt, Firefly and Qibli started digging, Winter and Mother joined in. Rainwatcher looked around for any sign of where Icicle went. 

"Three Moons" Firefly breathed, stepping back. Rainwatcher stretched his neck so her could see as well. There was a dead nightwing guard lying in a dirt hole. "Mother, this is bad. Really bad."

"You know this dragon?" Qibli asked, looking sympathetic

"Well, yes, but no." Firefly said and he gave her a weird look "He's Bigtail's brother... I don't know how to tell them that all their dragonets are dead. But that's what messengers are for."

"This Is also bad for the peace of the rainforest" Glory said "Bad for the RainWings and NightWings."

 The soft breeze was flowing through the air, making mother's flower wristband rustle against the body. 'This was my friend.' Rainwatcher thought and couldn't help his rainwing scales above his wing turn blue. 'Bigtail was my friend, and he's dead. Now Quietchaser is dead.' 

"Rainy!" Firefly realised "Oh my moons, I totally forgot!"

"It's... It's okay Firefly.. I still have you." Rainwatcher saw Mother out of the corner of his eye grab a small vine, then put her talon over her snout.

"Shh" She whispered "Someone's there."

Dead silence. Rainwatcher heard a rustle of leaves that was too loud to be made by the wind. Firefly made a hissing noise and tapped her tail. 'Come out' She thought 'Don't hide.' a pale green dragon stepped out from behind a tree. Firefly's ruff  turned orange.

"Açai" Firefly growled "What are you doing here?"

Açai had a bad relationship with Firefly. She'd pretended to be her friend, since Jambu and Pineapple had adopted her, Açai was allowed to challenge Firefly for the heir of the throne. But, she didn't know she was too young to do it. Firefly hated Açai ever since that day.

"It's my rainforest too!" Açai objected "Oh sad. What happened to the ugly nightwing?"

Rainwatcher could feel his scales turning red. His wings were the biggest rainwing area of his body, and Açai could clearly see his red scales.

"Oh, uhm, Firefly? Your brother looks mad. I thought he was supposed to be the calm one in the family." Açai mused. 'Is it bad that I want to rip off her wings?' Rainwatcher thought

"Leave now." Firefly snapped "Or are you going to back-stab me again? Want to challenge me again? Want to pretend to be nice? Go away."

Açai's scales turned slightly orange, then back to green. She walked past Rainwatcher, and waved her talon innocently at him, and purposely making her scales light pink. 'I'm going to kill her' Firefly thought fiercely. Winter and Qibli gave Açai a confused look as she left.

"What was that about?" Qibli asked Firefly 

"It's.... a long story" She replied "But what we have to focus on right now, is finding Icicle-"

"And making sure you all stay safe. Especially you, Firefly" Mother finished and Firefly snorted "I'm serious. Scarlet might want you dead too, she might want to ruin my life by killing you."

"Hah! She can sure try." Firefly laughed and everyone stared at her.

"Have you even met her?" Winter asked "Or heard about her? She kills dragons for fun. She had an arena where she watched dragons die for fun. She rips heads off for fun. Do you really think you can compete with that?"

"Uhm, have you seen me in battle? Have you seen the amount of dragons I've killed who'd tried to assassinate me? Did you not just see me fight you?" Firefly replied "Also, mother, what's the vine for?"

Glory tossed the small vine in-between her talons "Your uncle got hurt from Açai, she was mad at him and clawed his leg, and Jambu's limping."

Firefly did a small growl and flew off, and by everyone's expression, Rainwatcher knew that everyone thought Firefly was going to end Açai. 'Good place to...' Rainwatcher heard a thought trail off. 'It sounded like a female.... icewing' He realised 

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