Chapter 4

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'It is so hard to breathe in this smoke!' Rainwatcher thought as they flew over the night kingdom 'How could anyone live here?'

"Poor NightWings" Kinkijou said sympathetically "Can you imagine living here?"

Rainwatcher definitely couldn't. Their was lava everywhere! The whole place was run down and there was an ACTIVE VOLANO! And the air! You couldn't even breathe or see the sky through all the black clouds. Unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, SO UNSAFE!

"POOR NIGHTWINGS?" Winter yelled "The NightWings kidnapped you. The NightWings tortured you! The NightWings were planning to take over the rainforest! AND YOU SAY POOR NIGHTWINGS? They deserve to have a home like this!"

"Winter!" Moon yelped 

"I know, but it's still so sad." Kinkijou looked down at the ground and some of her scales turned blue

"Interesting" Qibli said "Even after the NightWings did that to you, you still treat Moon like a best friend."

"And Firefly. And Rainwatcher. And Deathrbringer can be pretty cool sometimes-"

"Nope" Firefly interrupted quickly "One time I called him, and then he said 'Sup?' It was the most traumatising thing ever"

"And the time he tried to dance? I'm scarred for life" Rainwatcher added

Everyone laughed at the joke "To be honest, Firefly, you've got to admit, he is a pretty cool dad" Qibli said "For all I know, my mother killed my father because apparently he 'cared too much?'"

"How can someone care too much?" Firefly asked "Well, It's lucky you inherited that personality and not your mothers."

The group of dragons landed down at the front of the ruined nigthwing fortress, and Rainwatcher nearly singed  the end of his tail from the lava. 

"How do you know about my mother?" Qibli asked  

"Who hasn't? The O' Great killer, that Blister, Blaze and Burn tried to hire in their armies" Firefly replied "Also, isn't in Moon's prophecy we find the lost city of night and then Jade Mountain is safe or something?"

On the way to the tunnel to the night kingdom, Moon had told Firefly and Rainwatcher about her prophecy and how going to the night kingdom might save everyone and all of Jade Mountain. 

"I think that it might be the actual lost city of night... like from Darkstalker's time" Moon trailed off "I think that's the one we need to find"

"Oh" Kinkijou said "You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?"

"Sorry, I thought this would work..."

Rainwatcher listened in... was that? No... It couldn't be. But it sounded like a dragon was coming from inside the fortress. He looked to the side and saw that Moon was listing in too. Rainwatcher almost fell back into the lava when he saw scales flash inside. Firefly jumped into the fortress and  tackled a dragon. She pulled the dragon out into the light and Winter gasped.

"Icicle!" He yelped as she roared in agony as Firefly snapped one of her spikes. 

Icicle managed to get a grip of Firefly's snout and Kinkijou jumped to help her, but ended up flying out of the fortress and almost landing in the lava. Rainwatcher felt wingbeats behind him and saw sleep darts flying towards Icicle and Firefly.

"Icicle, you are under arrest for murder and attempted murder" Mother announced and Firefly jumped away as she started clawing at her.

"WINTER!" She cried "What's happening to me?"

The Claws of Night And RainWhere stories live. Discover now