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It was a warm night, summer and half a moon was full. Glory flew above her pavilion and saw Deathbringer lying down on the ground, watching her egg. 'Our egg' Glory thought 'Our kingdom, our love, our marriage. And our dragonet' But nobody knew. Not even her friends, Glory didn't know how they'd react. Tsunami especially. She hated Deathbringer, and how would she react when she found out that they'd had a dragonet together?

"She's supposed to hatch tonight" Deathbringer said, bringing his gaze towards Glory 

"We don't know if it's a girl or not." Glory replied, but deep down, she hoped it wasn't. Would she challenge her for the throne? Would she kill her? Would she be as lazy as all the other RainWings?

"Stop." Deathbringer placed his talon's over Glory's "I know that face. It's your worried face, it's going to be okay."

"At least I have different facial expressions" Glory mused "You only have :Smug, smirk, smug, smug- did I say smug?"

Deathbringer barked a laugh. "See? Their's your wonderful sense of humour" Glory couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. She glanced anxiously at the egg. It was going to hatch tonight, she could see the shape of thee dragonet between the swirls of colour that was in-between the black. 

"Deathbringer..." Glory looked him in the eye "Have you ever thought about what she would look like? What if she couldn't camouflage, or if she couldn't shoot venom, or breathe fire or-"

"It's going to be alright." Deathbringer said, as calm as he could, but Glory could hear the worry in his voice. "Think about that later. Right now, focus on our dragonet."

Glory lied down beside him. She could see the dragonet moving. 'She's trying to hatch!' Glory thought. 'But what if she doesn't? What if she gives up? What if she dies in the egg?'


Glory realised she was clenching Deathbringer's talon, her scales were bright green. 'Come on out! You can do this!'


The egg broke, revealing a small purple dragonet. Glory held out her talons and the dragonet jumped into them. 'It's a girl.' Glory thought 'One day, she will become queen. I don't know how I know, but she's going to be great.'

"Firefly" Glory breathed "Deathbringer, do you like that name? I think it suits her. If you don't, then we can choose another one. Her scales are so-"

"Glory." Deathbringer said "It's perfect. Princess Firefly."

'Queen Firefly' She thought

Firefly grabbed Glory's thumb and she giggled in her talons. Firefly let go and looked to her right, there was another egg, her sibling. It was due to hatch under one full moon, Glory hoped he couldn't read minds.

"Deathbringer are you crying?" Glory asked, seeing the tears in his eyes 

"No... It's just raining." Deathbringer wiped the tears away from his eyes and picked Firefly up from Glory's talons and hugged her near his chest.

"Ooooh" Firefly cooed, picking up one of Deathbringer's silver blades from his pouch. "Shiny!"

"No" Deathbringer laughed "Not for you." He gently took the knife out of her talons, and she made a sad face, her talons grabbing at the bag, Deathbringer took the pouch off and put it on the ground.

"Hey sis!" Jambu landed with a thud on the roof "Whatcha doing- WHAT-"

Glory jumped up and covered his snout so he couldn't say anything else. "Shut up." She said and Firefly laughed from behind "Don't say a word."

"Is that your.... dragonet?" Jambu whispered "And.... Deathbringer is the father?"

"Yup" Glory said quickly "Now leave, you never saw anything"

It was too late, Jambu was already walking towards Firefly, his scales somehow even pinker than before. He held his arms out and Firefly looked at him confused.

"SHE'S SOOOO CUTE!" Jambu whisper-shouted "Whats her name?"

"Firefly". Deathbringer said, not takings his eyes off the dragonet. "Pyrrhia's second best assassin."

Glory hid her laughter, Firefly looked stronger than most newly-hatched dragonets. Glory wondered if she was going to be an assassin, she was going to be raised by two of the most dangerous dragons in Pyrrhia. Would she turn out to be a killer?

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