Chapter 3

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"This is an absolute outrage!" Winter complained "Staying in the wingery? With newly hatched dragonets? The whole reason we came here was to find my sister!"

"And we did!" Mother argued back. Firefly was in the corner of the pavilion, and counting something on the list of NightWings, because apparently, most RainWings don't know how to count. (The highest number Jambu could count up to was twenty and according to him, that's a pretty big number.) "And now we're keeping you safe from her!"

"She's my own sister!" Winter objected. 'Three moons, if this papaya head does NOT STOP ARGUING WITH ME I will seriously CHOP OF HIS HEAD!' Mother thought, then glanced slightly at Rainwatcher 'Do not tell him I thought that.'

"Exactly!" Mother was back in the argument "And if anything happens to you, they'll be a war with the Icewings."

Qibli stomped on Winter's foot again and some tears of pain flew out of his eye, and Firefly chuckled of amusement. "Stop arguing with her!" He snarled "She'll put more guards on, once we go, Firefly and Rainwatcher can help us sneak off!"

"Rrrrghh" Winter growled, 

"Wait, what?" Kinkijou yelped, Rainwatcher guessed she didn't want to disobey Glory.

"Qibli's right" Moon whispered "Firefly wants to find Icicle too, we need her help."

Winter sighed and Firefly walked up to mother "I'll be one of the guards, just incase they try anything." 'Moon, I totally agree with your plan, trust me.' She thought 'And Rainy, you are coming too, wether you want to or not, I'll drag you their myself'


The guards were inspecting every inch of Qibli, Winter, Moon and Kinkijou.  Why did it make Rainwatcher happier when the name: Kinkijou, came to his mind.  No. No, no, no, NO! He couldn't be crushing on her, no more Rainwing crushes since last time...

He was two years old, and Açai had just been introduced by Jambu and Pineapple. All Rainy could think about was Açai, and how he loved her, they actually went on a date. Rainwatcher's was so happy, he had everything he wanted. Until the day Açai challenged Firefly for the Heir of the Rainwing Throne. Açai and Firefly had been best friends, Firefly always stood up for her. Açai always said she had her back, but really, she was just using her. When you become the Heir to the throne, it means if the Queen dies naturally, you're the next queen. (The Queens made that rule at their monthly queen meeting after the great sandwing succession)

Rainwatcher was not crushing on any RainWings anymore. No. Crushes. On. Kinkijou! She and Firefly are best friends! Even closer than Açai was. The perfect reason to stay away from her.

"Princess Firefly... Are you sure you want them near the newly hatched dragonets?" one of the guards asked "We're supposed to keep new dragons away from the dragonets... And this one.." He nodded at Winter "The mildest word I can think of is hostile"

"That's just his face!" Kinkijou said and Rainwatcher chuckled "And his personality."

"He would never harm a dragonet" Moon said

"I can speak for myself" Winter snarled at her and Moon flinched 'He loves her' Rainwatcher realised 'He doesn't want anyone to know because she's a nightwing'

'He does NOT!' Moon thought 'I'm his friend'

'Mmhmm' Rainwatcher tried to mimic his father's smug-smirk, but failed tremendously

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