Chapter 12

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"Where am I?" Pyrite asked "Did we find Scarlet?"

Pyrite's yellow scales looked much more paler than they were before. Rainwatcher wondered if Pyrite would still think she were at the place where her necklace got taken off. 

"Her most wondrous majesty!" Pyrite smiled "She's such an amazing dragon! When I was a dragonet, I found a way to see her everyday- even if it was just from a distance. I'm completely loyal to Queen Scarlet-"

Firefly jumped in and put her talons over her snout as skywing soldiers walked past. "Shh, some dragons here support Ruby and they might kill you."

Firefly knew this wasn't true, but Rainwatcher guess she just wanted Pyrite to shut up. "Hey Pyrite?" He asked "Do you remember anything about Winter?" 

"Uhm, that he's an enormous grump?" Pyrite replied and Firefly snorted. 'Well, I guess she still remembers him' Rainwatcher thought 

"Could I look at your necklace?" Qibli asked and Pyrite handed him the odd gold chain with a pouch to him, and she turned back into Winter. 

"GET HER OUT OF ME!" He yelped and ran over to a tree to start banging his head against it. 'I AM an Icewing' He thought 'I AM Winter. I do NOT make friends with dragons from OTHER tribes. And I am DEFINITELY NOT in love with a dragon I'm SWORN TO HATE!'

Rainwatcher knew he was thinking about Moon. Everyone looked sympathetic towards Winter, but Firefly seemed to be amused.

"It can't be that bad," She snorted, with her famous smug look "Let me try."

Firefly picked up the necklace and put it over her head, turning into Pyrite. She looked at Winter had had a sad look in her eyes. Pyrite's eyes lit up when she saw a group of skywings walk past. "Eagle! Eagle! Eagle! Over here! Eagle Here!" She called "How are you?"

"Pyrite?" Eagle said, he was a sort of ruby-red colour with pale red under-scales "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for Her Majesty Scarlet- I think" Rainwatcher ran and shut her snout. 'I think this dragon knows about the Pyrite spell. Let's hope he does.'

"Sorry!" Rainwatcher said "My sister put on the spell- Pyrite? Can you give me the necklace?"

"It 'on't work" Eagle said "It's enchanted. I was one of e' guards 'ere. Sorry. She's gone."

Pyrite hesitated. "Eagle, what do you mean enchanted?" She asked "What's wrong? Beryl? Do you know?"

"Pyrite, can you give me your necklace?" Rainwatcher asked again. "You need to give it to me."

Pyrite looked anxiously at Winter, then at Eagle. "Beryl?"

Beryl stayed silent, but she looked extremely anxious. "I-I... Please don't hurt me!"

Rainwatcher wondered what Beryl was so anxious about, but what he was worried about, is what Firelfy would be like after Pyrite. She'd had the mask on way longer than Winter, and even he were banging his head on a tree. 

"Beryl don't 'alk to Scarlet supp'orers no more." Eagle said "Pyrite, take off 'e necklace."

Now Pyrite joyfully handed it to Eagle, and when it hit his talons, Firelfy was underneath, flapping away from the necklace, her scales a pale green. "GET IT OUT OF ME!" She yelled "GET IT OUT!!" 

Firefly crashed into the tree Winter was banging his head against, she turned her scales a deep blue, but it was speckled with green. 'I'm not freaking nervous!' She thought loudly 'I'M FIREFLY! I'M NOT A SKYWING! I HATE SCARLET! I HATE GLORY- ARGHHHHH! NO!' Firelfy put her wings around her head, her thoughts screaming inside her mind. 'Deep breathes. I am Firefly. I'm a Nightwing-Rainwing hybrid. I am an heir to the throne. I do care about Rainwatcher, who is my brother.' 

Eagle and his friends stared strangely at Firefly. She smacked her head a few times with her wings, and walked over to Moon. Rainwatcher followed as Mayfly walked out of the hut holding a clipboard. "Firefly, can you sign the papers for Kinkijou to be transported to the next clinic? They'll want to know what happened to her though."

"I told you she got attacked by a dragon." Moon said 

"Really" Said Mayfly "Are you sure she wasn't trampled by a hoard of hippopotamus? There's nothing to be ashamed about."

"No, I'm sure, it was just a dragon, throwing her into a tree." Moon replied. 

Firefly was scanning the papers, her wingtips turned pale green, and she clearly didn't know. She flipped the paper over to the other side. "Three Moons, broken ribs, fractured skull." She mumbled "Mother won't be happy about this."

"It was a really big dragon as well" Rainwatcher added "I don't like he had... super-strength or something."

Firefly's eyes widened "Did you say super-strength? That explains why my venom didn't effect him."

Mayfly was now looking more serious. Firefly signed the paper and she walked over back to Winter, looking amused. Hailstorm gave Firefly a strange look "I-I thought Eagle was supposed to be my friend" He said 

Rainwatcher sat across from Firefly, still being able to listen into the conversation they were having. "Pyrite was just a mask" Winter said "You're Hailstorm. Not some skywing."

"Winter..." Hailstorm paused, glancing at Firefly "I- I want to go home."

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