Who the fuck is RedRiot?

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Bakugos phone has been blowing up all day long and he can't help but put it on do not disturb. However, when he opens his phone and unlocks it he can see the wave of notifications all from Twitter. What the hell is going on? Bakugo finally decides to look at what's happening all of a sudden. He opens Twitter and clicks on the tweet that he's been tagged in many many times in the past day, it's sad to say his fans have probably tagged him in this tweet over a thousand times. When Bakugo reads the tweet in question he raises a curious brow. He decides not to leave a comment though, he doesn't necessarily want to put any attention to this tweet in question.

 He decides not to leave a comment though, he doesn't necessarily want to put any attention to this tweet in question

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Who the fuck is RedRiot?

Bakugo immediately jumps to YouTube and goes to the search bar. His fingers move swiftly over his keyboard and soon he's met with a man with red hair. He clicks on the first video he sees, the title of said video reading. "Bro what the fuck?" Bakugos brows furrow as he turns his volume all the way up.

"Hey bros, as you all know I suck ass at intros so I'm not finna waste my time because most of you already know who I am...And if you don't what the hell are you doing? Where have you been?"

The redhead asks, turning to the camera as he speaks. The redhead is quiet for a moment before the video cuts closer to his face. Then a jumpcut to him talking yet again.

"So in todays episode of Bro what the fuck is in my YouTube recommendations-"

Bakugo can't help but find the redhead boring. Why the hell do his fans want him to collaborate with this piece of shit? He keeps watching tho, not wanting to assume to much considering the video just started.

"Bro what the fuck.."

The redhead chuckles as he clicks the first video which pops on screen for all to see. Kirishimas bubble is in the top right corner so the fans can see his reaction. Bakugo chuckles the moment he notices a furry comp on the redheads recommendations.

"Dude...No, I don't even watch furries bruh, not that there's anything wrong with them but why the fuck is this shit on my recommenda-" The redhead can't even finish the sentence as he laughs, covering his face with his hands. Soon, there's a jumpcut to him watching the video with a straight face. The video shows two furries dancing to a tiktok audio and Bakugos gaze moves from the video to Kirishimas bubble to see his reaction. Bakugo laughs to himself when Kirishimas face has literally no expression. Just a straight face. The redhead soon sighs and clicks off the video with a shake of his head.

"Bro...This is the first recommended video...The first one!! Dude- I'm kinda scared to keep scrolling"

The redhead scrolls anyway and the moment he sees a video of a little girl belly dancing he throws his headphones off his head and leaves the room, causing Bakugo to burst into a fit of giggles...This fucking idiot.

When the redhead returns he comes back with a fake gun and cocks it at his computer.

"YouTube...If you ever put a child belly dancing on my recommendations again were gonna have some problems ya hear? Ya hur me?"

Kirishima asks as he dramatically aims the gun up and down.

"That's a child!!"

He screams before there's another jumpcut of him scrolling through his recommendations yet again. Bakugo watches as the redhead smiles and clicks on a video of a puppy doing backflips.

"See now this one isn't so bad...I like lil doggos. No but actually- How the fuck do you teach your dog to do a backflip? I can't even get mine to sit bruh"

He asks and Bakugo smiles again...Okay- So far he can see why his fans wanna see them collaborate. Bakugo watches the entire video, laughing a bit and even cringing a little from how overdramatic the redhead can get at times. When the video ends however he immediately looks at the redheads description.

"Your local retarded redhead, Eijiro Kirishima (˘³˘)✌🏼"

Wow...What a depressing description. Bakugo immediately goes on Twitter and heads to the same tweet he was tagged in a thousand times. He responds without thinking too much about it, stating his own opinion on the redhead.

 He responds without thinking too much about it, stating his own opinion on the redhead

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-Word count- 1007

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