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Kirishimas POV:

Kirishima makes his way downstairs after smelling some good food from the kitchen, his eyes landing on Bakugo flipping over some juicy bacon.

"Dude that smells so good"

The redhead makes his presence known and ends up standing right beside Bakugo, looking over at several pieces of cooked bacon on a napkin. The blonde takes a piece of bacon off the said napkin and dangles it infront of Kirishima, chuckling when the redhead moves his head to the side, snatching the bacon out of Bakugos grasp.

"Holy shit that's amazing!!"

Kirishima praises through a mouthful, causing Bakugo to grimace and push him out of the kitchen.

"Go sit your ass in the livingroom. I'll tell you when it's done"

Bakugo demands, causing the redhead to pout before heading to the livingroom. After awhile Bakugo has made everything for breakfast besides pancakes. In the process of making said pancakes Bakugo feels something at his leg, causing him to look down and notice Riot at his feet, looking up at the pancakes with drool threatening to drop. Bakugo has always been a cat person but how can he say no to those puppy dog eyes? The blonde sighs and gives Riot some pancake before Kirishima calls him to the livingroom and soon Bakugo is left alone again in the kitchen, giving him time to finish his pancakes.

"It's done Red!! Get your hungry ass up and come eat!!"

Bakugo yells from the kitchen and he can't help but feel prideful the moment he hears hurried footsteps and paws behind him.

"Holy shit that looks so good.."

Kirishima says and the moment he sits down he's stuffing his face, giving Riot a piece of his bacon.

"When do you wanna make the video?"

Bakugo asks as he blows on his hot pancake before eating it.

"I'd say after we get done eating. What do you think?"

Kirishima asks as he eats the last piece of his pancake.

"After we eat is fine with me"

The blonde replies, choking a bit when Kirishima gets up to throw his plate away.

"How the fuck do you eat so fast?"

Bakugo asks and Kirishima just laughs at him before heading to the livingroom.

"I'm ready to film this video man!! Our fans have been dying for this collaboration!"

Bakugo rolls his eyes at the redheads determination. He soon throws his plate away after his last bite and the two of them are now sitting on the couch.

"I usually do this shit on my pc but doing it off my phone is okay too, I got good fuckin quality anyways"

Bakugo mutters to Kirishima who laughs. Ofcourse Bakugo would have good quality with his iPhone fifteen, Kirishima is still rocking the IPhone eleven.

"Hey guys...Look who we have here"

Kirishima starts off the moment the camera is rolling.

"Ground fuckin zero....Aka the best youtuber around town"

Bakugo says and Kirishima only rolls his eyes before continuing.

"Todays video is gonna be a qna. Yesterday I posted on Twitter, wanting you guys to ask questions for us if we did meet one day-"

"Now why the fuck would you do that? You know that our fans would've caught on right?"

Kirishima is quiet for a second before grabbing his phone and immediately going to Twitter, completely ignoring Bakugos statement because he knows he's right.

"Anyway first question is how did you guys meet?"

Yeah, they definitely caught on.

"The day Kirishima apologized to me we made plans to collab and now we're fuckin here.."

Bakugo answers for Kirishima and the redhead moves onto the next question.

"Next question is what were your first impressions"

Kirishima grins before proudly looking over at Bakugo.

"My first impression was definitely how short you are-"

Kirishima yelps when there's a pillow thrown his way.

"Oh yeah? Well my first impression of you was your shitty hair and your shitty crocs!!"

Bakugo yells, causing Kirishima to look at the camera and mouth the words "This is harassment and assult. Call for help"

The two boys answer question after question until..

"I know Bakugo has no interest in men but do you?"

Kirishima reads out and he immediately panics, not wanting to even answer this next question because he's indeed gay but his fans nor Bakugo know that and he doesn't want them to find out just yet.


Kirishima starts but thankfully, Bakugo catches on and snatches the phone out of Kirishimas hand.

"Such a boring fuckin' question...Let's find a better one"

Bakugo says and hides his mouth behind the phone, mouthing the words "Your fuckin' welcome" to Kirishima and the redhead couldn't be more thankful.

"Next question is...Can we see Riot do the backflip you taught him?"

Kirishima immediately groans and hides his face in his hands.

"Last night Bakugo and I posted random shit on each other's Twitter....I lied about teaching him. I can't even get Riot to sit bruh!!"

Bakugo bursts into a fit of giggles before moving on to the next question.

"Do you guys plan on making a reaction video together?"

Bakugo asks the question aloud and looks over at Kirishima who shrugs and looks at the camera.

"I mean...We can sometime in the future"

He announces and Bakugo takes that as a yes before reading out a couple more questions such as-

"If you had to rate your friendship so far from one to ten what would you rate it?

Dog or Cat person?

All Might or Crimson Riot?

Kirishima rated their friendship a ten out of ten while Bakugo rated it a negative two out of ten, Bakugo also confirmed to be a cat person and ofcourse Kirishima a dog person and last but not least Kirishima and Bakugo both fought on who was a better actor between All Might and Crimson Riot.

"Alright fuckers that's it for this video. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas you'd like to see from us comment them down below and this video will obviously be on Kirishimas channel and not mine for obvious reasons. I'm making the outro because Kirishima did the intro and it's only fair-"

"But it's my channel-"

"Shut the fuck up Kirishima"

And with that the video ends.

ᴘᴀᴜꜱɪɴɢ 0.00─────ㅇ─0.00
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-Word count- 1055

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