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Bakugos POV:

A couple of months fly by after the tweet incident and Bakugo feels like utter bullshit. Ever since Kirishima tweeted that he could suck a dick better than Bakugo could, the blonde didn't think much of it at first because he knew it was all for shits and giggles. However, his fans took it literally since the one and only RedRiot tweeted something about it and now there's rumors that are being spread about Bakugos sexuality and it's honestly annoying as fuck so Bakugo sits on his gaming chair, turning on his pc and making sure his setup is ready to go. He's ready to talk about the rumors finally, and call out RedRiot for his bullshit. The moment the camera is on Bakugo clears his throat.

"Todays video is gonna be a bit different so for the fans who don't have Twitter and don't know what's going on I'll explain. So some fuckwad asked people to spam the fuck outta me on Twitter until I collaborated with another shitty YouTuber that goes by the name of RedRiot. That's not what pissed me off tho- What pissed me off is Kirshima aka RedRiot watched my recent Gta six trailer reaction and ugh...I ended up saying that I'd suck a man off basically but I meant it as a joke. Apparently Kirishima didn't see it as a joke because he went all the way back to the fuckin' tweet and commented some bullshit, basically saying that he could suck a cock better than me. It's not really too much to be pissed about. However, Kirishimas comment has caused alot of rumors to spread about my sexuality when in reality I'm a straight man as of right now...I don't think I'd ever catch feelings for a man and if I do ofcourse I'll tell you all immediately because that's important. RedRiot if your watching this I understand that you probably meant nothing by that comment but it's honestly utter bullshit that you pulled what you did. Not only did you assume my sexuality but you posted about it publicly when the original tweet had nothing to do with homosexuality. Another thing Kirishima, you obviously don't know shit about me because if you did you would know that I say alot of shit I don't mean and my fans don't really think nothing of it anymore...However, since your a rather big creator yourself and posted about my sexuality, even if it was meant as a joke you should have known not to joke around like that. It's common sense that fans would take it literally...Their fans come on now? I don't know what else to say honestly, I just wanted to come out here and make it very clear that I am not gay as far as I know of and I will not tolerate people assuming my sexuality. If I see anyone on any platform make assumptions about my sexuality I will personally block you because I'm making it very clear as of right now that I'm a straight man...So please stop with the rumors guys. Thank you"

The video was quick and straightforward, that's all he really cared about. Bakugo even made sure to Tweet about it on Twitter aswell.

The moment he posts said tweet it's already getting re-tweets which is good

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The moment he posts said tweet it's already getting re-tweets which is good. He wants this to reach Kirishima and all of his fans and his own aswell. The faster these shitty rumors stop spreading the better.

Kirishimas POV:

A few months have passed since he commented on Bakugos tweet and he's been checking his notifications as much as he can because he's grown obsessed with Bakugo. The past few months all he's done is binge watch Groundzeros videos and he loves them. He makes sure to check every notification he gets from Twitter and YouTube, wanting to know what the blonde will say next. However, the moment he gets a notification from Bakugos Twitter he immediately clicks on it with a big smile as his heart picks up in pace. However, once he reads the tweet his heart drops to his stomach....Shit this is all his fault. Kirishima had no clue about the rumors but it makes sense that fans would do this. Kirishima immediately goes to YouTube and hovers over Bakugos new video. He's scared to watch it because he knows it's about him but he clicks on it anyway and watches it. Not only a few seconds in and Bakugo is already bringing his name up.

"So some fuckwad asked people to spam the fuck outta me on Twitter until I collaborated with another shitty YouTuber that goes by the name of RedRiot"

Kirishima listens carefully to what the blonde has to say about him.

"Kirshima aka RedRiot watched my recent Gta six trailer reaction and ugh...I ended up saying that I'd suck a man off basically but I meant it as a joke. Apparently Kirishima didn't see it as a joke because he went all the way back to the fuckin' tweet and commented some bullshit, basically saying that he could suck a cock better than me.."

Kirishima feels himself getting nervous as he nibbles on his bottom lip, nervous as to where this would go.

"RedRiot if your watching this I understand that you probably meant nothing by that comment but it's honestly utter bullshit that you pulled what you did. Not only did you assume my sexuality but you posted about it publicly when the original tweet had nothing to do with homosexuality"

Kirishima doesn't need to hear more. He immediately leaves YouTube and goes back to Twitter. He then dm's Bakugo in hopes of reaching out to the blonde. His fingers hover over his keyboard for a long while as he thinks hard about a good apology...Fuck he didn't mean for this to happen.

Kirishima reads over his message over and over again before deciding "Fuck it"

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Kirishima reads over his message over and over again before deciding "Fuck it"

He puts his phone down and sighs...The only thing to do now is wait.

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-Word count- 1021

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