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Kirshimas POV:

Friday flies by and it might be because all Kirshima has done is sit in bed and think about the blonde. Is it safe to say Bakugo could be considered his celebrity crush? Kirishima and Bakugo haven't texted each other at all since Monday and Kirishima still has so many questions he wants to ask Bakugo. Kirishima sits up in his bed and finally gets up. He immediately picks some clothing out for a good first impression. He grabs a black shirt and a red flannel to go over it aswell as some black ripped jeans. He then takes said clothing to the bathroom and strips from his own clothes before hopping in the shower. It takes him about thirty minutes to wash, rinse, and dry off. Once he's done however, he immediately slips his clothes on and styles his hair, adding as much gel as he can before topping his look off with a black bandana. His phone buzzes and Kirishimas stomach flips when he sees its a notification from Bakugo.

 His phone buzzes and Kirishimas stomach flips when he sees its a notification from Bakugo

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Kirishima giggles before slipping his crocs on

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Kirishima giggles before slipping his crocs on. He then picks Riot up and takes her with him, grabbing his keys off the counter as he walks out of the door. Kirishima puts Riot in the passenger seat of his red jeep and she immediately wags her tail while licking her lips. Kirishima hops into the drivers seat and shoves his keys in before backing up and out of his driveway. Kirishima jams to Chase Atlantic the entire ride there. Bakugo had sent him his location earlier today and it was a shock to Kirishima that the blonde lived right down the road from him. It's not surprising really tho, because there's alot of celebrities that live in Tokyo so paparazzi isn't really common, considering people see famous celebrities on the streets all the time. paparazzi only gets big in Tokyo if there's drama going on with said celebrity and as of right now- There's alot going on between him and Bakugo about the whole rumor situation which Kirishima still feels bad about. He already apologized sure, but that doesn't mean he forgives himself anyway, even if Bakugo had forgave him. Kirishima did see Bakugos post on YouTube about his fans sending hate towards the redheads channel. It didn't really bother Kirishima if he was being honest. He already knew that there was nothing more he could have done besides apologize, to which he already did. Kirishima soon ends up in Bakugos driveway and makes sure this is the right place before getting out of his jeep with Riot. Bakugos house is huge and he lived in a gated neighborhood ofcourse. Kirishima lived in another gated neighborhood but he's never been to this one before. Kirishima soon knocks on the door while Riot sits next to him at his feet. He soon feels anxiety overcome him and he immediately gets a bit nervous, especially when the door knob moves and soon the door opens, revealing a even hotter Bakugo in person. He wears eyeliner under his eyes and a black tanktop with orange sweat pants. The blonde shoves his hands in his pockets before looking Kirishima up and down.

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