Chapter 30

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TW: mention of anxiety and depression.

Crowley handed out packages wrapped in layers of paper and bright ribbon—unmistakably from Tracy.

"I used a little intuition to guess what you might like," she said shyly. "I hope I did alright."

Aziraphale unwrapped a cream-colored knit sweater that matched his favorite jacket and hugged it. "O0h, so soft!"

"Fuzzy socks!" Crowley exclaimed upon opening her present. "I love fuzzy socks!"

"I don't know how to put these on, but they look cozy!" Muriel waved a pair of thick gloves in the air.

"I made them all myself," Tracy told them. "I knit Zira's sweater and Crowley's socks, and crocheted Muriel's gloves. There's a little bonnet for Hope, as well."

Crowley had already taken off her Converses and pulled the socks on over the ones she was already wearing. "I'm going to be one cozy snake this year!"

"That just leaves my presents," Shadwell announced. He handed a small bag to Muriel, and envelopes to Aziraphale and Crowley."They're not much."

Muriel pulled their present out of the bag and held it up with reverence: a hand-hewn wooden dish full of sugar cubes. They realized immediately what it was for. "For my cupperteas! Because I like sugar in them! Oh, I love it!"

"Ya see," Shadwell explained, "I was a dab hand at woodworkin' in me youth, and I've taken it up again now that the Witchfinder Army is slowin' down."

Aziraphale and Crowley opened their envelopes to find pictures of a lovely rocking chair. Before they could comment, Shadwell plowed on,"That's no tha present. I'm makin' a rocking chair for ye. It's not finished 'cos some Western pansy didna have the lumber I wanted, but that picture there is a promise. Ye'll have it by Valentine's at the latest. Ev'ry baby needs a rockin' chair, ta my mind."

"Oh, my dear boy," Aziraphale said sincerely. "It's beautiful.We look forward to seeing it. Thank you, so much."

With all the presents opened, Tracy set aside her teacup. "We'll be going, now. Mum and baby need some rest. You still look awfully pale, dear."

"M'fine," Crowley mumbled, because the psychic was right.

"I'd invite you to stay the night, but we haven't the room. But there's a lovely little inn just down the block!" Aziraphale offered. "I'm sure there's a room open."

Crowley bit back a smirk; there was most definitely a room open, or would be by the time Tracy and Shadwell arrived. She also suspected that the pair would not be paying for their room.

At Shadwell's nod, Tracy accepted the offer. She laid Hope back in her blanket nest, and goodbyes were said all around. Once the humans were out the door, Muriel began clearing up whilst Aziraphale called the inn. He left his debit card number, along with instructions for champagne and strawberries to be delivered to the room.

"You're a sap," Crowley informed him.

"And proud of it." He picked up Hope. "Are you ready for dinner and bedtime, little angel? You've had a big day!"

"I'll clean up!" Muriel offered cheerfully. "I don't need to sleep!"

"That would be wonderful, my dear," Aziraphale said at the same time that Crowley muttered, "I'm switching her to decaf."


Alone in their room, after Hope had been fed, burped, and put down for the night, Aziraphale turned to his demon. "Thank you."

"For what?" Crowley asked in confusion.

"For tonight. I know it wasn't easy for you.

Crowley smiled. "No, but you were happy. And that made me happy."

Aziraphale kissed her forehead. "You were very kind to--"

"Not kind! Imma demon, I'm not kind, kind is a four-letter word!"

"Forgive me, darling, sometimes I forget how evil and ferocious and diabolical you truly are."

"That's right." Crowley tossed her hair haughtily. "I could strike you down with a—mmff!"

Having stopped her rant with a kiss, Aziraphale smiled impishly. "Would such a ferocious demon like to spent the night as a serpent?Perhaps, curled up on her adversary?"

Crowley didn't need to be told twice. She shifted form and cuddled down on Aziraphale's chest. She flicked her tongue across his cheek,causing him to giggle and give her what they called a snoot boop: a kiss on the very end of her nose.

"There's my wily serpent," the angel said softly. "We're going to be okay, you know. We've got a long road, but we'll make it."

"I'm not ssssure I believe that yet," Crowley hissed just as softly. "And neither do you, angel."

"No." He scratched her chin. "But I have faith in us."

"Angel, you're not playing fair. You know I can't ssstay awake when you..." She tilted her head as he found just the right spot. "Ssstop."

"Why would I stop, when you're so relaxed?"

"It'ssss your turn"

"Get up with Hope tonight? Yes, I know." He smiled as her coils went limp in bliss. "Go to sleep, my dear."

   1. In my mind, Aziraphale doesn't subscribe to a singular religion, he just loves Christmas, so that's what he celebrates.

2. The next few chapters will be short, but they're essential. A lot packed into a few words. Of course, I still don't think it's up to my usual standards, but oh well. I really want to finish this.

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