Remember me, Rita?

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It was at the restaurant. Albert was sitting in his side alone while Sumiko and Lincoln sat across the table from him. Just then, the waiter came back with wings and fries. "Ranch will be here shortly." he said before walking away. Lincoln looked at the wings with excitement. Poor boy hadn't eaten anything in weeks besides cereal, crackers, and dirty, warm water. "Dig in, darling." Sumiko said as Lincoln dug into the wings like there was not tomorrow, not caring if they were hot at all. He had a drink beside him; besides, he could handle it just fine. 

"Easy there, honey." Sumiko said, laughing before taking a bite out of one of her barbecue wings, "Dad, why didn't you get anything? You wanted to come here." Sumiko said. "Eh, I just wanted to bring us together. The snow-tops, heh-heh-heh. The only one who'd complete this would've been Aaron. God, do I miss that boy..." Albert said as he sighed. "Who's Aaron?" Lincoln asked curiously, wiping down his face with napkins. "Oh, sweetheart, you have to tell him about Aaron." Albert said to his daughter. "That's right, I do. I did tell him about him, but I didn't say his name to him." Sumiko said. "Who was he?" Lincoln asked.

"Lincoln, Aaron was my brother." Sumiko said. That shocked Lincoln. On the way, Sumiko said a lot of stories about her and Rita's older brother, happy, funny and tragic, but she didn't tell his name. 

"Wow..." Lincoln said, "So, that's his name?". Sumiko nodded yes and said, "Yep and I know it sounds wrong to say but the way this family has been so divided since he died, he is rolling in his grave. He is the glue that held the rest of us together and when he died, it all fell apart.". 

"I'm sorry to hear that." Lincoln said. "Oh, don't be, baby." Sumiko said. Albert was just there thinking about his son's last days. 

"Can you excuse me? I'll be at the bar." Albert said as he got up to go the bar area of the restaurant. Lincoln looked at his mother, who looked back at him and shrugged.

With Albert, he is at the bar.

"What would you like, sir?" the bartender asked. "Scotch on the rocks." Albert said. The bartender nodded as he poured him the drink. He then took a sip and just stared in the distance, thinking about his dead son. 

With Lincoln and Sumiko...

"Lincoln, I got a question for you." Sumiko said. "Yeah, what is it, ma?" Lincoln asked. "Have you ever been outside of Michigan before?" Sumiko asked. "Many times, I've been to Ohio, New York, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and I've even been on a plane to Texas, Colorado and Florida a few times." Lincoln said. "Wow. Have you been outside the country?" Sumiko asked. "Well, I've been to Canada a couple of times before but that's about it. I've never really been outside of America or Canada." Lincoln said. 

"Well, guess what? How does this sound, honey? You're moving to Japan!" Sumiko said. Lincoln's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he heard those words from her. 

With Albert, he is finishing up his drink. He then decides to look at his watch. "Almost 7." he said. After paying for everything, including his drink, he went out the door with his daughter and his grandson. 

"I can't believe I'm going to Japan! And I'll be living there too!" Lincoln said, "Pop-pop are you coming with us for the flight?". Albert sighed and said, "Nope, sorry, sport. I have things to do... but I'll be there eventually.". "Thank you for spending a little time with us, daddy." Sumiko said as she hugged her father. "Always, honey." Albert said as he broke the hug and kissed his daughter's cheek. "And you, my big man, have a great life in Japan and... tell your grandmother that... I miss her... please tell your Aunt Miyabi that her father loves her." Albert said, "Will you do that for me?" he asked his grandson as he offered a fist bump. "You got it, pop-pop." Lincoln said as he fist bumped his grandfather and hugged him. 

After breaking the hug, Albert said, "Well, I better head out. Bye, Sumiko, bye, Lincoln. I'll see you guys, eventually.". "Bye, daddy." Sumiko said. "Bye, pop-pop." Lincoln said. They then parted their ways. "Where are we going next, mama?" Lincoln asked. "Well, where do you want to go next?" Sumiko asked. Lincoln thought about it for a moment. There's Clyde's hou- nope. Not him. Wimpy little cuck traitor with no testosterone. Stella's hou- wait, she's out of town. Tabby's pla- also out of town. Gus's ga- no, not that that one. He doesn't care for arcades anymore. He doesn't care for arcades, comic books, or reading comic books in underwear (he outgrew that months ago, he wears boxer shorts now) peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwiches (just the thought of that makes him want to puke), and he's moved onto more violent video games. He likes Gand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Fallout, and other M rated games. For music, he used to like Smooch but realized how much posers they were. Fake wannabes ripping off actually talented bands. He moved on to heavier and better bands that are truly [sic] such as Metallica, Slipknot, System of a Down, KoRn, Mudvayne and other bands. They would all chew up and spit out "Smooch".

To sum it all up in a much shorter sentence, he stopped being a geek and he's matured.

Anyway, he really had no options. "Well, I guess we go to the airport." Lincoln said. "Alright. Let's go." Sumiko said as they went to her rental car. "Hey, when do we get on the plane?" Lincoln asked. "We should be leaving at 11:30 and the time right now is almost 7:10 so we got a few hours." Sumiko said. "I have an idea; can we go clothes shopping?" Lincoln asked. "Nope, Japan has way better and cooler clothes. Trust me on this one, Linc." Sumiko said. "Ok, then." Lincoln said.

Time skip

At the Loud house, It was now 10:30 PM. 

Rita Loud decided to sleep early. 

In her dream, Rita is what looks like a traditional Japanese house. The light on the lamps were dim and it made the room look kind of dark orange. She knew this place. It looked exactly like her childhood home. She then heard a voice, a *very* familiar voice.

"Hey, Rita."

She turned to see none other than her very own older brother, Aaron Kelly himself, sitting in the living room chair. He was smoking a cigarette and wearing sunglasses. "A-Aaron?" Rita asked in disbelief. "Have a seat." Aaron said as Rita took her seat. "How is this possible?" Rita asked. "You're dreaming." Aaron said. "Oh..." Rita said. "But I'm a spirit now. A ghost in heaven." Aaron said. "Glad to know you're in... heaven..." Rita said, her words fading. "Mmmhmm." Aaron said. 

"Rita, do you know why you're here?" Aaron asked. "No, why?" Rita asked. "Why do you think? Give it a quick thought, why? Something about... my nephew...?" Aaron asked. "Oh... that..." Rita said. "Yep... that..." Rita said. 

"I just want to say that I am disappointed and ashamed in you. What you did to Lincoln, just... what the hell? Why, little sister? Throwing him outside? Bad luck? A sister fight protocol? We worked our issues out together like a family growing up. I thought you were better than this?" Aaron said. "I get why you're mad, Aaron but-" she was cut off.

"Mad? I never said I was mad. I said I was disappointed. I still think you have a chance to redeem yourself." Aaron said, "I don't have it in my heart to hate my own little sister.". Rita just sighed in sadness as she looked down at the floor.

"Also..." hearing his voice made her look up. "I didn't overdose." he said. "What?" Rita asked. "I was killed." Aaron said. "But ho-" Rita was cut off. "And some advice, divorce the dicknose." Aaron said, "Goodbye, Rita.". Rita didn't have the chance to say anything else as she shot up awake.

To be continued...

End of chapter 5.

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