First day of school!

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Lincoln woke up with the alarm clock waking him up. He quickly turned it off. He looked at the time on it. 6:00 AM. Lincoln then heard the radio on the clock announce something in Japanese he couldn't understand. It then went to the radio-clock play some Japanese girly pop tune. "I really need to change that" Lincoln thought. He got out of bed and looked out his window. He could see the mountains and the dark blue sky with slight tints of orange, red and pink in the distance. He loved how he had a mountainous view.

He then turned around and walked out of his room. He walked to the bathroom and as he was walking, he saw his mother walk out with a towel wrapped around her body and another towel on her head. "Oh, good morning, okasan." Lincoln said. "Good morning, Lincoln. Are you getting ready for your first day of school?" Sumiko asked. "Yep. I can't wait! But I am a little nervous." Lincoln said. "Hey, honey. It's ok to be nervous. I still remember my first day of going to new school." She spoke. Lincoln smiled. "Thanks, okasan" Lincoln said. "You're welcome, sweetheart. Shower's available, now." Sumiko said as she headed back to her room. Lincoln then went in the bathroom and then closed the door.

It cuts to Lincoln wearing his school uniform and tying his shoes in his bedroom. After finishing with that, he grabs his backpack and walks out of his room. He goes downstairs in the kitchen to see his mother wearing her normal clothes making breakfast. "Hi, baby. You look ready." Sumiko told her son. "I'm all ready" Lincoln said. "Ok, did you take a shower?" Sumiko asked. "Yep" Lincoln said. "Brush your teeth?" Sumiko asked. "Yep" Lincoln said. "Use deodorant?" Sumiko asked. ""Yepitty-yep" Lincoln said. Sumiko smiled and said, "Ok, then big boy". Lincoln laughed at this and sat down.

Sumiko then gave him a plate of scrambled eggs with a smiley face made of ketchup on it. She also gave him a bowl of grits. Beside him was a coffee mug with black coffee inside it. Beside the mug was a bunch of Splendas and little milk cups. "Hey, okasan, is this yours?" Lincoln asked. Sumiko shook her head and said, "Nope. That drink is for you. I figured a boy your age is ready to drink coffee. Don't listen to all those lies saying how coffee will stunt your growth. It won't.". Lincoln nodded and took a couple of the tiny milk cups and put them in his coffee. He then took a few Splendas and pored them in there. He mixed it all in together and then took a sip. He shuddered and had a sour face. "You'll get used to it. I remember my first coffee." Sumiko said. 

It's now 7:15 and it cuts to Lincoln and Sumiko driving up to Saruka No Hana private school. Lincoln saw a bunch of students walking in. Ages ranging from 11-18. "All right, okasan. Goodbye. See you at 2:30. Wish me luck." Lincoln said. "Wait!" Sumiko said. Before he got out of the car, Lincoln said, "Yes?". "I want to take a picture of you in your school uniform." Sumiko said with a grin. "Ok, okasan. But make it quick." Lincoln said. "Alright, now step out." Sumiko said. Lincoln did so. "Now, smile!" Sumiko said as she took out her phone. Lincoln then smiled as Sumiko took the picture. "Oh, you're so adorable!" Sumiko said with glassy eyes. "Alright, I got to go. I love you. Bye, Okasan!" Lincoln said. "Bye, Lincoln! I love you too!" Sumiko said as she drove away. Lincoln then turned around and saw the school. He inhaled, exhaled, and said, "Here goes nothing" Lincoln said as he walked inside the school building. 

As he walked inside the school building, there were a couple of kids looking at him, a couple of kids minding their own business, and a couple of older girls whispering into each other's ears. Were those whispers about him? Were they not? He didn't know.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar pink-haired teenage girl and she saw him and instantly waved. "Lincoln-San! Hi!" she cried out.

 "Lincoln-San! Hi!" she cried out

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