Dead Memories

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Song starts with Lincoln falling and falling and screaming.

At 0:12, he falls through a strange, unfamiliar ceiling. 

He looks and sees that the entire walls are purple with pink stripes.

He then sees a girl who looks around 13 or 14. She's of Japanese descent and has brown hair. She's wearing a schoolgirl uniform and she's beautiful. She notices him and has a very wide grin on her face. Lincoln smiles as her sees her smiling. She then walks up to him.

Sitting in the dark, I can't forget
Even now I realize the time I'll never get
Another story of the bitter pills of fate
I can't go back again, I can't go back again

She then holds his hands, making him blush

But you asked me to love you and I did
Traded my emotions for a contract to commit
And when I got away, I only got so far

She then kisses him on the lips, making his eyes widen

The other me is dead, I hear his voice inside my head

Lincoln then breaks the kiss, which makes the girls face turn to a sad expression, tears forming in her eyes

We were never alive
And we won't be born again
But I'll never survive

Lincoln runs to the door, opens it, only to be feeling something grabbing his shirt. He turns around to see the girl latching onto him with, mascara tears running down her cheeks

With dead memories in my heart

She is mouthing, "Don't leave me! I love you!!".

Dead memories in my heart

He finally breaks free from the girls grasp and immediately closes the door.

Dead memories in my heart

He looks around and sees himself in a brick maze, looks at a shadow of what looks like Luan, only to realize his sisters are literally hunting him for sport.

You told me to love you and I did
Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit

He slowly avoids his sisters noticing him by sneaking behind them.

So, when I got away, I only kept my scars
The other me is gone, now I don't know where I belong

He then finds a door and runs out of it; Lola finds him, and they all chase him out the door, very angry, looking to kill him. 

He then found a metal line fence and jumped on it. His sisters all grabbed on him, angrily trying to pull him down and beat him to a pulp.

We were never alive
And we won't be born again
But I'll never survive

He managed to break free, jumping over the fence, only to fall into complete darkness. 

With dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

He kept on falling into black

Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

As he is falling in the black, he sees memories of every time he's been humiliated, abused, beaten up, and wronged by his sisters, parents, so called "friends", and Ronnie Anne.

After the solo ends and the soft part begins, Lincoln stops falling and drops on a white ground. He looks around and sees the whole "room" is white. He looks to see his mother wearing a white dress and holding her arms out. He immediately runs to her and hugs her. He never lets go, he doesn't want to let go.

Dead visions in your nameDead fingers in my veins 

Suddenly, the ground under him crumbles and he falls under. He ends up in an empty room that looks like a mental hospital. He's even wearing mental patient clothes. He gets on the bed and lays in a fetal position. 

Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart

Suddenly, the pretty girl from earlier, wearing a black dress, and having puffy eyes and mascara covered tears on her cheek and messy hair somehow appears and hugs him. He doesn't hesitate to hug back. She then kisses him again.

Dead memories in my heart
Dead memories in my heart


Lincoln suddenly wakes up on the plane, realizing it was all a dream. The white-haired teen looks to his left to see his mother sleeping, which made him smile. He then looked to his far left to see the window. He saw a bunch of water, of course. 

A flight attendant walked by with a cart, whom he successfully tried getting the attention of. "Excuse me, ma'am, how much longer until we reach Tokyo?" he asked. "Oh, about an hour and a half. Buckle up and get ready. I also suggest waking your mother up too." the flight attendant said. "Thank you, ma'am." Lincoln said as she nodded and asked, "Would you like anything else?". "Um, yeah, how much for 2 waters?" he asked. "Oh, waters are free." she said. "Well, I'll take 2 waters, please." Lincoln said. "Yep, here you go." the flight attendant said as she poured one plastic cup for him. "Would you like a cucumber with that?" she asked. "Do you have lemon?" Lincoln asked. "Sure, we do." she said. "I'll take lemon." Lincoln said. "Yes, sir." she said as she handed him the cup with a lemon slice in it. 

"Now for you mother?" she asked. "Same thing." he said as she nodded and gave the cup to him. "Arigato." he said. "Īe, do itashimashite." (You're very welcome.) she said before she left.

He then heard a groan. He looked to his left to see his mother waking up. "Hey, okasan." (Mother) Lincoln said. "Okasan? You know Japanese?" she asked impressed, while getting her conscious fully back. "I know a lot." Lincoln said, "Oh and here you go. Lemon water.". "Thank you, baby. My mouth is very dry." Sumiko said before taking a sip. "So, I have an Aunt Miyabi?" Lincoln asked. "That's right. You also have 2 cousins in Japan." Sumiko said. "Wow!" Lincoln said. "I'm glad to see you're excited to meet them." Sumiko said. "Why wouldn't I? I'm meeting family that was hidden from me for years!" Lincoln said. 

Sumiko smiled at how sweet it was to see her son excited to meet his family he should've know many many many years ago. 

"Lincoln?" Sumiko asked. "Yeah, mother?" Lincoln asked. "I want you to know how much I love you." Sumiko said. Lincoln smiled and said, "I love you too, okasan.". Sumiko then put an arm around her son and kissed his forehead. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 6

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