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It was a partly sunny day in Sakura No Hana. Lincoln was currently finishing up homework in the living room. Suddenly, he heard his mother say, "Hey, Lincoln, want to go to a shooting range with me?". "You mean with guns?" Lincoln asked. "Yeah, of course, silly. What else do you think I mean?" Sumiko asked, giggling. "Um... I don't know..." Lincoln said. "Come on, it will be fun. I want to teach you how to shoot." Sumiko said, "Don't worry, you'll be safe. I'll watch everything you do. We'll both be wearing glasses, gloves and helmets.". "Alright..." Lincoln said.

It cuts to them walking up to the shooting range, half an hour later.

"Okasan, were you ever in a situation where you needed a gun?" Lincoln asked. "Well, when I was on my way to get you from the Louds..." Sumiko said.


Sumiko is walking down the street of Detroit, when suddenly, a man wearing raggedy dusty torn up clothes with yellow teeth and looks like he has never heard of a shower before grabs her in a place where he shouldn't. "Hey, baby, why don't you show me a good time?" he asked in a raspy creepy voice before pulling out a switchblade and taking his hand off her slowly. "And don't try to resist." he said. Sumiko was kind of scared, but she said, "Oh... ok..." she said with a seductive smile and a sexy voice. Sumiko slowly unbuttoned one of her shirt buttons seductively. "Oooooh...." he said excited before.


He was filled with 3 bullets in his torso. Sumiko looked at his body with the coldest death glare on her face. She then put her Caliber away back in her purse and continued walking. "Fucking perv. What a pig." she said as she walked away angrily, "That's not how you treat a lady.". 


"Wow, that must have been terrifying." Lincoln said. "It was. That's why I think every woman should carry a weapon on them." Sumiko said, "Some women will piss themselves in order to stop a rapist while other women will pull out a pistol to make the rapist piss himself.". There were a couple of times where Sumiko was *almost* $exually a$$aulted but each predator got a body full of lead. 

The shortest way to put it was Lincoln's mother was a female badass. And a girl boss. You think she's tough protecting herself from predators? Any pervert or kidnapper that would try to get to Lincoln, well, let's just say they would never be seen or heard from again. 

"How many guns do you own?" Lincoln asked. "About 13." Sumiko said with a smile on her face. Lincoln's eyes went wide. "That's just the upstairs." Sumiko said, "Two guns I have are from your great grandfathers, both were World War II one who was a Japanese solider and one who was an American soldier." Sumiko said, "I also have a few gas masks from our ancestors in World War I down in the basement.".

They then walked through the door to the range. 

It cuts to a Royal Woods Hotel. Lucy is trying to summon Uncle Aaron's ghost again. Suddenly, she senses something. She hears it. "Ghost, do you hear me?" she asked. "Yeeesss...." the ghost whispered. 

"What is your name?" she asked. "Aaaarrrroooonnn..." the ghost whispered. Lucy felt a wave of shock run through her. "Are you related to me?" she asked. "Yeeesss..." Aaron whispered. Lucy gasped as eyes became as wide as saucers under her thick bangs. "How long have you been dead?" Lucy asked very curiously. "11 yeeaarrss..."Aaron said, "IIIIII waaaassss mmuuurrrderred...". "Murdered?" Lucy asked. 

Meanwhile, in Sakura No Hana, Lincoln is watching his mother shoot 3 targets in less than 2 minutes. He was amazed by this. When she was done, she blew the tip of the gun. The gun Sumiko was using was an old American Caliber, a gun that used to belong to her father before he gave it to her on her 16th birthday. 

"Alright, Lincoln. You ready?" She asked. Lincoln nodded. The white-haired woman then gave her son the gun. "Alright. Aim, hand on the trigger and shoot!" she said as she got behind Lincoln, put her hands on the gun along with his, and helped him shoot. 


"Wow, good job, koibito!" Sumiko said. "Well, I don't really count it." Lincoln said. "Why not?" Sumiko asked. "Well because you helped me 80% of the way." Lincoln said. "Well, that's how all people start with guns. You can't just figure it out yourself with these things." Sumiko said. "Really?" Lincoln asked. "Of course! Do you really think that I could have figured out how to shoot a gun all by myself without the help of pop-pop?" Sumiko asked. "I suppose not." Lincoln said. "Of course not! I still have some things to teach you. Let's get to it because I am super excited to do this." Sumiko said.

Over the course of the time, there were a lot of things that Lincoln was struggling on, but that was ok with Sumiko because she understood it was his first-time shooting. She was calm and patient. In fact, she loved doing this with Lincoln. She felt like a mother. She felt happy that she was doing fun things with her son. After a few rounds and 1 hour and a half, he was starting to get the hang of it. Lincoln, of course, still had long ways to go, but he was getting used to it. 

After that, they were now at a sushi restaurant. They both got big plates of shrimp tempura, spicy tuna and volcano rolls. They even had mochi that was waiting for them on the side. "Lincoln, you did good today and I'm very proud of you. You just completed the first step." Sumiko said proud, "Now, we celebrate.". "Thanks, okasan. I honestly don't know If I could've done it without you." Lincoln said. "Again, of course not." Sumiko said. "I'd like to see Lynn or Luna try me now." Lincoln muttered, "Oh I would love it.".

It cuts to later that night. Sumiko is in her bedroom in her nightgown, walking to her drawer and putting her caliber there. Before she put it in there, she looked at it.


It was Sumiko Kelly's 16th birthday. The party had just ended, and everyone had gone home. She had a fun sweet 16. She got a Windows NT 5.0 from her mother, a new massive makeup and nail polish kit from Rita, a Sailor Moon DVD collection from Aaron, which was her favorite show at the time, an adorable black skirt and other gothic like clothes from Miyabi, which was going in style pretty fast; Alternative looked like it was becoming the new look of the 2000s and the start of the millennia, but the most memorable gift she ever got was from her father.  

"Hey, sweetie-pie, did you enjoy your sweet 16?" Albert asked his daughter, as he was outside her doorway. "I loved it, dad." Sumiko said to her father. "I'm glad because I have a gift for you, myself." Albert said. Sumiko remembered that she didn't get a gift from her father. "What is it, daddy?" she asked. "Come follow me. Your mother doesn't know about this." Albert said. She was curious. 

They were now in the living room, which was empty. Albert was now holding something behind his back. "What do you have for me, daddy?" she asked. "Sumiko, I waited 16 years to give this to you. I think you're ready for it." Albert said. He then revealed it to be a gun. "A gun?" she asked a little nervous. "An American .45 Caliber. This is the same gun I used when I was in Vietnam." Albert said, "You're a young woman and you need to defend yourself.". "I don't know." Sumiko said, in a very nervous tone. "Sweetie, when I was in boot camp 27 years ago, I said the same thing. You can do it." Albert said. Sumiko's frightened face turned into a small smile. "Ok..." she said. "That's my girl." Albert said. 


Sumiko smiled as she looked at the gun before reloading it. She then put it away and locked all 3 locks on it. Little did she know a certain blonde woman would try to make amends for her and reunite what's left of their family. Putting back the 3 daughters and the parents or the what's left of the broken pieces. 

To be continued...

End of chapter 19

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