Chapter 7: The Goblin Camp

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At the entrance of the goblin camp, the party strolled past the lackluster guards and approached a scene that could only be described as a chaotic celebration. The air was thick with the acrid scent of unwashed goblins, and the crude festivities unfolded before them like a twisted carnival. Goblin revelers displayed a moronic and vile revelry, as if chaos were the order of the day.

In the midst of the pandemonium, a hapless bard found himself a captive audience, subjected to a barrage of projectiles as he desperately tried to perform on a makeshift stage. Animals were not spared either, as goblins, armed with crude weapons, terrorized them amid the crumbling ruins. The camp echoed with their unruly screams, and the general atmosphere reeked of havoc and the stench of spilled ale.

Whispering cautiously from behind Christinus, Lilith expressed her reservations, "Maybe we shouldn't be here..."

Ignoring her concern, Christinus pressed forward, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene for clues. "Looks like that large one is guarding an entrance," he remarked, pointing toward the hulking figure in their path. Determined to find answers, the group navigated the tumultuous party, enduring insults and jeers but thankfully avoiding physical aggression.

Approaching the imposing guard, a massive and sluggish creature, the party sought information. The creature regarded them lazily, uttering a simple directive, "Fun is here. Don't go in there." Despite the warning, it seemed more like a casual observation than a genuine attempt to bar their entry.

Undeterred, the group coordinated their efforts and swung open the creaking door, revealing a foreboding tunnel leading into darkness. Just before they ventured forward, Christinus surprised Lilith by wrapping his arms around her waist, a protective gesture amidst the unsettling chaos surrounding them.

"Darling! Isn't it a bad time?" she called out, her voice tinged with concern.

He grimaced, eyes narrowing as he focused on a potential danger. "Mm... trap," he murmured, shaking his head and pointing at the explosive pad just inches away. With swift precision, he pulled her out of its direct path.

"Damn," she exclaimed, genuine surprise in her voice. "You really saved me there. Thank you, my hero." A radiant smile adorned her face. He nodded politely, urging her forward as he discreetly stashed a green bottle in his pocket before vanishing into the chaos of battle.

Deeper into the tunnel they ventured, discovering hidden pathways within an underground ruin. The dimly lit surroundings were punctuated by torches scattered haphazardly around them. Their progress was halted by a suspicious goblin with a red brand glowing around her eye.

"Oi!" she demanded. "Ain't no party in 'ere. We're doing the Absolute's work. State yer business, now." The red brand hinted at authority and control, an open invitation to exert dominance.

"I'm not here to talk to a lowly guard," Christinus interjected, stepping forward with a commanding presence. His voice echoed, and his eyes glowed with a crimson hue.

"Ah!" The goblin immediately yielded, bowing deeply. "Beg pardon. You must be 'ere to join the other true souls. Go right ahead."

"Why are you calling me a true soul?" Christinus inquired, intrigued.

"'Cause that's what you are, innit?" the goblin explained. "One of them that hears our thoughts and the voice of the Absolute. Like Priestess Gut and Boss Ragzlin. We even got a drow now."

Realization dawned on the elf. Others infected, wielding power akin to Priestess Gut and Boss Ragzlin, claimed to hear the voice of their god. A potent strategy for recruitment indeed. The question lingered: why did this mysterious villain need an army?

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