Chapter 9: Victory

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"You two have a glow about you. I just can't quite grasp what it is," Lilith remarked, positioning herself between the two elves as they traversed the path back to the goblin camp. "Did something happen?"

"I was simply born this way. Perfect," Astarion replied with a sly smile.

"True. He is perfect," Christinus affirmed.

"Hardly," Shadowheart chuckled.

"Sweetie, don't you think—" Lilith was cut off as Christinus gently tapped her lips with his finger, producing a soft shushing sound. Leaning in, he whispered into her ear, "Shouldn't you already know?" before placing a tender peck on the side of her temple.

Lilith bit her lip, a wide grin spreading across her face as she giggled to herself. "You're such a charmer." 

Astarion smirked. Shadowheart and Gale observed with a touch of envy, while Lae'zel impatiently awaited the opportunity to annihilate the goblins.

They proceeded towards the designated prison area, concealed in a secluded corner behind an inconspicuous door. Only two sets of prison chambers occupied the space—one containing a pair of beasts undoubtedly used by the goblins for their raids, and the other housing a large brown bear. A couple of goblins stood before the bear's enclosure, taunting the creature.

"See?! It squealed!"

"Hit it again!"

"Keep yer hand steady, go on." One of the goblins took a rock and tossed it straight at the animal. It roared back in defiance.

"Again! AGAIN!"

"What have we got here?" Christinus cut in, smiling and leaning down as he spoke to one of the creatures.

"We're juicing it up. The beast came in here with those robbers. Boss thinkin' of servin' it to the worgs."

"And it makes funny noises."

"We made it squeal! Look, look, you'll see! Gimme that rock. I'll show ya!" It pointed towards the pile.

The Elf straightened himself, inhaled, and commanded with his illithid powers. "Let him out."

The brands on the creatures glowed. The older one looked nervous, quickly bowing its head in succession. "Y-you're also...yes, of course. Yes.." It trembled as it stuck its key in the cage, unlocking the door for the elf. His mind shivered and felt sated.

The bear immediately rushed to attack its captors, tearing the elder to shreds with its claws and moving towards the one that tossed a rock at it. This put the few other goblins in the chamber in a frenzy. Some rallied to attack, while others sought to rush out of the room for backup.

"Lae'zel!" Christinus called out to her.

"With pleasure." She readied her sword, making a big leap up the platform and towards the entrance. With precision, she sliced those trying to escape down swiftly. Gale electrocuted the worgs in the other cage to bits with Lilith's help. Shadowheart and Astarion finished off the remaining two goblins. Crisis averted.

The bear, now unencumbered, took it upon itself to return to its original form. A large wave of green encircled it, revealing a tall elf in Silvanus garb. He was built rock solid and towered above each member. Despite this, his eyes were warm and inviting. He offered the team members a smile. "Pardon the viscera. One should cherish all of nature's bounty, but goblin guts are far down the list. I owe you all thanks. I am the druid Halsin."

"Lucky us. You are still alive." Christinus smiled back.

"And handsome as ever!" Lilith beamed. "We met Nettie. She said you could help us with the parasites in our heads."

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