Chapter 16: The Gith Stronghold

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Darkness enveloped him, a familiar sensation now, before yielding to the swirling hues of the astral plane's purple skies. As he returned to consciousness, the figure of his mother, his steadfast dream guardian, materialized before him, her presence radiating love and reassurance.

"I promised I'd return," her voice washed over him, a balm to his troubled mind. "Fear not. All is not lost. For now." With a gentle step forward, she drew nearer to him, her expression tender. "Events have not unfolded as anticipated. You placed your hopes in Halsin's power, yet even he could not sever the tether of your affliction."

"A disappointment indeed," Christinus muttered, his disappointment etched upon his features as he spoke of the druid.

"You yearn for liberation from this curse, but your quest for relief has led you astray," his guardian continued, her words carrying wisdom born of experience.

"He spoke of enchantments woven into these vile creatures," Christinus interjected, his voice tinged with frustration.

"He spoke the truth," she affirmed, extending her hand to conjure an image of the accursed tadpole, its sinister aura pulsating ominously. "They are no ordinary affliction, ensnared in magic that defies conventional remedies. Until the wellspring of this sorcery is vanquished, any attempt to rid yourself of it will only hasten your demise. Halsin's knowledge spared you from such a fate. These parasites are but a symptom of a deeper malady festering within Faerun."

A seed of suspicion took root within Christinus, questioning the timely intervention of his guardian. Was there more to her revelation than met the eye? "And how, pray tell, does one dismantle the source of this cursed magic?" he inquired, his tone betraying a hint of skepticism.

"I'm still uncertain. To uncover the truths, we must trace them to their origin. These parasites aren't merely spawns of the illithids; they're conduits for domination," her spectral form wavered. "Those infected hear the Absolute's voice and mistake it for a divine entity. The upper echelons, the so-called True Souls, harbor tadpoles akin to yours, serving as conduits for directives. That's how this cult proliferates. Without my safeguard, you'd succumb just like them."

"Why protect me then?" he inquired.

Her grin broadened, reminiscent of his mother's tender touch. "Because, like you, I carry this burden, yearning for liberation. I've battled this malevolence for ages. Now, through you, I glimpse a chance at redemption. You possess the mobility I lack. And I can offer protection. Together, perhaps, we can alter our fates."

A sudden explosion rent the air, mingled with the clash of blades. She pivoted towards the commotion, slipping from the elf's reach. "By the hells, they require my aid. I must depart."

"Wait! Tell me where to find you," he pleaded desperately.

"No! It's perilous," she confessed, her expression pained. "The power shielding you—I've pilfered it from another. They seek its return. I've staved them off, but my defenses will crumble eventually. Head to the Moonrise Towers. Utilize your abilities to infiltrate the cultists and uncover the root. Our freedom hinges on it."


"I've been haunted by visions of our mysterious visitor once more," Gale confessed to Lilith as the group convened to depart from their campsite. "She speaks of a purpose—to confront the cult of the Absolute. She urges us to infiltrate its dark ranks, promising us enhanced abilities in return. Given the sheer gravity of our mission, I cannot dismiss the potential benefits outright."

"Our reliance on these entities is dangerous," Lilith countered firmly. "Their powers may offer shortcuts, but they are not the answer we seek."

"I respect your unwavering commitment to your beliefs," Gale replied, "but the threat posed by the Absolute transcends any qualms we may harbor about tapping into our tadpoles' full potential."

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