Chapter 10: The Gur in The Woods

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On their journey back to the sacred grove, the intrepid adventurers decided to weave through the dense forest, taking a small shortcut. As they navigated the ancient trees, a subtle hint of smoke wafted through the air, leading them off the beaten path. Drawing nearer, an unpleasant stench greeted their senses, a mixture of metallic notes and sickly sweetness.

Through the twisted branches, they discovered a clearing where a fire burned, and beside it stood a man. Clad in attire that spoke of countless miles traveled, he exuded a friendly aura that contradicted the ominous scent lingering in the air. Turning towards the approaching group, the man acknowledged them with a nod.

"Ah, forgive the peculiar aroma. Powdered iron-vine, an old hunter's trick. Most monsters reconsider making a meal of me when they catch wind of it."

Astarion, perked up at the mention of monster hunting. Intrigued, he moved closer to the stranger. "A monster hunter, you say? Quite surprising. I was under the impression that all Gur were nothing but vagabond cutthroats."

The man chuckled, his demeanor still amiable. "Yes, that's the common tale. A mystical, dangerous people, wandering the lands, never settling in one place." He gestured theatrically, as if adding a touch of mysticism to the rumors. "We steal your chickens, curse your crops, seduce your daughters—your friend here has undoubtedly heard it all."

Christinus cast a curious gaze toward Astarion, sensing an unspoken tension lingering in the air. The vampire's demeanor hinted at hidden depths.

"I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess. Alas, I am a simple wanderer," The Gur continued with a hint of weariness. "A simple wanderer and monster hunter. I'm no witch doctor or cutthroat."

Christinus' eyes flickered with interest. "So... What monster are you hunting?"

"Something terrifying, no doubt. Dragon? Cyclops? Kobold?" Astarion questioned.

"Nothing so dramatic." He shook his head. "I'm hunting for a vampire spawn. His name is Astarion, but I fear he's gone to ground. I hoped to find some clues as to his whereabouts."

The elf's smile widened. "And when you find this 'Astarion'? You'll kill him?"

"Not this time. My orders are to capture him and bring him to Baldur's Gate. My people wait for me there."

"All that trouble for a spawn? Pity, it's not like he's a real vampire."

"Ohhh, I don't know," Astarion forced through a strained smile. "I'm sure a vampire spawn can still rip your throat out if he felt like it."

"He is right, unfortunately. They are only weak when compared to their masters. During the day, we have the advantage, but at night? You will not find a more deadly quarry."

"Interesting." Christinus turned to the vampire. "Astarion, what do you think?"

The color immediately drained from the Gur's face. He took a step back in disbelief. "That's Astarion? Impossible..."

"These days I'm making the impossible look easy," he boasted with a sinister tone. "May I?"

"Of course," Christinus nodded, allowing the unfolding mystery to continue its enigmatic dance.

"Excellent," Astarion declared with a sinister grin. Swift as a shadow, he unsheathed his dagger from the concealed holster behind him. Advancing with calculated menace, he closed in on the man before him. The Gur, sensing danger, hurriedly reached for his crossbow in a desperate attempt at self-defense. However, his feeble resistance was swiftly nullified as a mage hand, emanating a vibrant blue glow from the elf's palm, effortlessly snatched the weapon away.

"No, no," Christinus interjected, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Don't make this hard on yourself."

Panic now gripped the Gur, who sought to flee but found himself restrained by an unseen force, then plunged into darkness. Astarion wasted no time, thrusting his blade unrelentingly into the monster hunter's eye socket. The foe's body convulsed briefly before succumbing to lifelessness, collapsing to the ground.

Lilith, witnessing the brutal scene, furrowed her brow. "There wasn't a better way to handle that situation?"

"I believe that was the best option," Christinus responded, wearing a satisfied smile. "There are better questions to be asked here. For example, why exactly was he hunting you?"

Now free from immediate danger, Astarion's expression darkened. "It seems Cazador wants me back. He orchestrated this."

"You're sure Cazador is behind this?" Christinus inquired.

"It was him, I'm sure," Astarion affirmed. "Only he would know to send the Gur after me. It was a group of Gur that attacked me that night before I was turned."

Christinus pondered for a moment. "He appeared just when you needed him...sounds convenient."

"Maybe he's just drawn to the scent of blood?" Astarion suggested, sheathing his dagger. "The point is that I have history with these barbarians. Cazador's sending a message. He's reminding me of his power. Even in the middle of nowhere, he can reach me. And he wants me back."

"He's not getting you back," Christinus asserted, displaying an unusual level of determination. "What do you suggest we do?"

"...I don't know," Astarion admitted, his gaze thoughtful. "If we kill his lackeys, he'll just send more. We just have to be vigilant, keep our wits about us." The elven men exchanged nods of assurance, prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.


"You dared to undertake the Rite of Thorns on your own accord?! I should cast you out of this sanctuary forever!" Halsin stood sternly at the arched entrance of the inner grove, his voice echoing through the ancient trees as the group approached. "However, I will grant you the opportunity to explain yourself."

"I owe you nothing. Goblins swarmed us like roaches while you were lost in the past. You chose to abandon us, and I chose to protect us!" Kagha declared defiantly, pressing her palm against her chest, nostrils flaring in defiance.

"Silence. The rite has concluded," Halsin sighed heavily. "You may stay, but consider yourself a novice once more. You have forgotten the ways of the druids, and you shall relearn them."

"As you wish, Master Halsin," Kagha responded, bowing her head slightly. As she turned to leave, her eyes met the group's, a small scowl forming before she disappeared.

"I'm sure she was just acting out of concern," Lilith chimed in, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Misplaced, self-important concern. She must learn to respect the balance of things," Halsin said, inhaling deeply. After a moment to calm himself, a simple smile returned to his features. "But enough of that. Today calls for celebration. You've all earned a proper party on behalf of the druids and tieflings. We'll see you back at camp."

Lilith's eyes gleamed with excitement. "A party?!"

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