Chapter 1

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'' Remove the covering now!'' a powerful yet old voice yelled

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'' Remove the covering now!'' a powerful yet old voice yelled

I was terrified, I had no idea why I was here

The covering was ripped from my face and I squinted as the light dazzled my eyes 

There stood a middle-aged man and a woman

'' I think Amell will like her'' the man spoke

'' He better, I have waited long enough for him to find love for himself'' the woman spoke

I stared in confusion 

The woman started walking closer to me her red bottom heels connecting to the tiles and her black coat flowing as she walked with power and grace

She stopped in front of me before speaking

'' You will be marrying my son, what's your name?''

I stared at her petrified, I was marrying someone?

'' You name child!'' she yelled

''Calista'' I spoke quickly my body shaking in fear

'' Mrs Glaspie your son Mr Amell is on his way here now'' a petite lady said 

The lady who I learned to be Mrs Glaspie nodded her head shooing her away


'' Mother'' A loud voice boomed and a handsome dark-skinned dread-head entered in a black suit and well-polished black shoes 

One of his hands was stuck in his pocket the other holding a blunt

'' Ah my son'' 

Mrs Glaspie stood her feet and walked briskly to meet the man 

'' You requested my presence?''

'' indeed I did, your father and I have a very special person for you to meet'' she said before turning to me

I placed my vision to the floor and my hair flowed in my hair

'' what is this supposed to be?''

'' This is Calista'' She said

'' your future wife'' the man continued

'' wife?'' he said his deep voice raising

'' yes my dear, your wife you have been sitting around and you run this mafia you need a wife to rule with you so we chose someone'' Mrs Glaspie said

'' behind my back?''

'' Now Amell don't be like that''

'' stop babying him, Amell you have no choice you will marry her TOMORROW!''

Everything he said just kept replaying in my head

Amell looked at me with disgust before storming out

'' Now dear he will fall in love with you don't worry'' his mother spoke

'' unbound her and take her to Amell's room''

I was kidnapped

And being placed to marry someone I know nothing about but their first name

I was being

Forced to Love

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