Chapter 16

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4 months later

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4 months later

4 months later

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Calista's outfit

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Calista's outfit

" Amell don't even piss me of right now bro" Calista said as I took her mango

" It's just one chill out mama"

She sucked her teeth standing up from the stool and walked away slowly

She tryna act grown when she knows her feet are swollen

Plopping down on the couch she spread her legs and went onto her phone

" You don't want it nomo?"

She shook her head tears leaving her eyes

" Why you crying?"

" Cause you ate it and you know I don't like when people touch my food with your greedy ass " she yelled

The doorbell rang and Calista hissed

" Go see who it is cause I can't bother to move again"

I stood to my teeth and went to open the door

The whole family stood out there

" What you all doing out here"

" Watchu mean we haven't seen you all in a minute" Ajax said as Kelly-Ann pushed inside

" Where my wife at" Kelly said

I side eyed her

" Nigga please"

They walked further into the house and Kelly-Ann screamed

" Girl you did not " Kelly said looking at her stomach

" You mean to tell me you all was expecting and ain't tell nobody" Ajax said

Mama looked at us smiling

" We planned on telling you guys this weekend, we just wanted to make sure everything ran smooth " Calista said holding onto my arm and sat up

" You guys know the gender?"Mama asked

" no we were waiting to announce it to you guys"

" You look so pretty, pregnancy look so good on you" Kelly-Ann said hugging Calista before hugging me

" You finally becoming a dad and shit lil nigga" my dad said

" Yeah finally"

" Joined the old man's crew" Ajax said

" You the only old man in this bitch "

" Ahhh" Kimalie screamed wiggling out of Ajax arm

Calista took him resting him on her bump

" You look so swollen already " Kelly said

" And is, baby is fattening me the hell up " Calista said

" How's everything with the baby so far though?" Mama asked

" Baby is fine, growing healthy and everything "


" Pull me up"

Holding he by her waist I pulled her up as she groaned

" You in pain" Kelly-Ann asked

" My back, my leg a matter of fact my whole body aching " Calista  said

" That belly is giving little boy "

" Nah it baby girl I'm manifesting it" Calista said

" She go be mad when she find out she giving me a son"

" You getting a daughter watch "

" Nah it's a boy "

The family argued back and forth making me smile

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