Chapter 12

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" Calista!" I yelled walking through the Airbnd

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" Calista!" I yelled walking through the Airbnd

" You see Kelly-Ann?"

" Nah you know them too lil shits up to something" I said frowning

" Nah you know them too lil shits up to something" I said frowning

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Calista's swimsuit

Kelly-Ann's swimsuit

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Kelly-Ann's swimsuit

As I removed my phone from my pocket laughing was heard and the knob twisted

" Whoo shit " Calista said slipping her sandals off and placed her glasses on-top of her head

" Chile them niggas was cute" she said to Kelly-Ann

" You right, but we are married"

" Yepp cause if I wasn't he could get it just saying"

I cleared my throat and they both went stiff

" Hey darling how did you sleep " Calista muttered

" Run before I grabbed your ass up" I said

Quickly they ran from the entrance and went in different directions

Following Calista's little footsteps we ended up in a closet

Slipping in, I slapped the door and turned the lights on

" Amell I was joking baby I swear I knew you was there I saw your shadow and everything I swear" she said frantically

I grabbed her neck pulling her onto her toes as she looked into my eyes

" Don't kill me the lord is watching you" she said

" The lord doesn't like liars or unfaithful people either"

" I didn't mean anything I said it was a joke I promise, plus you can't kill me I'm pregnant" she said

" Your what " I said letting her neck go

" Just kidding" she said slipping out of the closet and running away

Hissing my teeth I got out and slammed the door storming outside

She knows how much I want a kid and still rubs it in my face by lieing

I sat in the porch and lit a blunt zoning out while smoking


" Amell" Calista said softly sitting in my lap

I fixed my leg so she would sit comfortably, she wrapped her arms around my neck snuggling into me

" I'm sorry"

I hummed in response

" Can you talk to me it's been 2 hours Papa I was playing "

I again hummed in response holding her so she wouldn't fall

As much as I was mad I didn't want her to be hurt it uncomfortable

" Amell I'm sorry" she said pouting tears forming in her eyes

" Ight Calista I hear you stop crying " I said wiping her face

She sniffled hugging me and I hugged her back rubbing her back

We stayed like that for a couple minutes till she fell asleep and outside started to get cold

Standing up I wrapped her thighs around me and her face snuggled closer into my neck

Opening the door I stepped inside and closed it after before heading up the stairs to our room

I laid her in the bed fixing our blanket over her body

I took some clothes from my suitcase and turned the shower on that was in our bedroom

I stepped in and washed my self clean getting rid of the weed smell

Once I was done I wrapped my towel around my waist and got Calista coco butter that she had no idea I been using

I moisturized my body with it before using her face soap and washed my face

Slipping on my boxers and joggers I got in the bed and went on my phone

Calista snuggled into my side throwing her leg over me

" Amell you used this soap" Calista said holding up the soap I used to wash my face

I nodded

" Were?"

" My face ain't that what its used for?"

Calista laughed out loud screaming in the process

I looked at her confused

" No you fool it's my coochie soap " she said still laughing now on the floor

" You lying ?"

" No nigga I'm so fr" she said wiping the tears from her face

I hissed my teeth standing up and grabbing her actual face soap and re-washed my face again

" Why you washing your face for you got all my coochie juice on you and it's good for your skin"

" Mane Calista go to sleep"

She laughed hugging me and I chuckled

She just brings joy in my heart just from laughing

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