Chapter 13

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Calista's outfit

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Calista's outfit

" You not getting up"

She shook her head

" What's up with you? You ain't got out the bed since we got home "

" Cause I don't feel good Amell, the climate change getting to me " Calista said

" You sneezing and stuff?"

" My stomach hurts,my back hurts, I'm getting heart burns and my legs are cramping and swelling"

" You want me to bring you to the doctor's or sumn?"

" There just gonna put me on medication and stuff"

" Get up, better they identify what it is than it gets worst"

We were both seated in the doctor's office waiting on my name to be called

" Calista Glaspie "

We stood up and walked to were the doctor was

" Good morning I am Doctor Andre what seems to be the problem today?"

" Well um-, I am having stomach aches, back ache, my legs are swollen and I'm also having heart burns"

" When was the last time you menstrated?"

" Last month " I said

" Are you on birth control"

I shook my head

" Do you have protected sex?"

" No we don't " I replied rubbing my arm

This is uncomfortable

" Well what I will do is give you an ultrasound to see if we can figure out what causes your stomach ache"

I nodded and laid down, he squeezed the cold gel making me shiver

He pressed the wand down on my stomach moving  it around and a loud sound was heard

" What's that?"

" That's a heartbeat"

" A what"

" A heart beat, it seems you're almost a month pregnant "

" Pregnant?"

" Yes ma'am pregnant "

Amell was cheesing while I was bawling

I wiped my stomach before he spoke

" There are options since you are not 3 months yet we can schedule you a abortion or you can put the baby up for adoption"

" No no, I'm just a little shocked that's all I want to keep my baby " I said

" Well we will set your next appointment and congratulations"

I was laid in bed with Amell rubbing my stomach

" Amell stop touching me damn"

He frowned but stopped

I wasn't upset about being pregnant I was just shocked an overwhelming

I knew there was a chance I would be pregnant because I wasn't having protected sex with Amell

" I'm sorry Papa you can rub my stomach" I said putting his hand back on my stomach

I cuddled up to him as he kissed my forehead

" We go make the best parents ever, we will raise our baby right"

" And not set him up with random women" I said and Amell chuckled

" His mama was a random woman " Amell said

" A random woman who wanted nothing to do with his daddy"

" Look at us now though baby, we happy, married and having a child "

Amell kissed me and I smiled putting my hand over his

Maybe this won't be so bad

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