Chapter 5

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I yawned as I was met with an empty bed

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I yawned as I was met with an empty bed

How did I get here? I usually sleep on the couch

I walked to the bathroom, rubbed my eyes, and went to the sink 

I heard the shower running confusing me 

I turned around and was met with a naked Amell whose dick was on full display 

My eyes widened at the large, veiny penis that rested on his thigh leaving it about 9 inches when soft

My hand covered my mouth in shock and I spun around when his eyes met mine

'' Sorry I didn't know you were in here'' I said as the shower turned off

The double shower door was opened 

A hot breath hit my neck and his arms were wrapped around my waist

''good morning mama''

''Good morning'' I replied quietly

He started rubbing on my hips and crept his hand closer to my coochie but pulled away walking to the sink

I quickly went to the toilet which was closed off in a small room with its door

I locked it and pulled my shorts down feeling my wetness run down my thigh and my underwear being left soaked

he just got me wet

Wiping myself up I flushed the toilet and left peeking my head out

Amell was nowhere in sight and I got out and brushed my teeth 

I left for our bedroom and there he was with the towel still wrapped around his waist as he sat on the bed on his phone with an iPhone box in his hands

Walking into the walk-in closet I went to my section of the closet and took out some cotton underwear and shorts set

I got a towel out and went to the room where Amell was now looking at me smirking

I looked away feeling my face heat up

''I gotcha a phone and iPad my contact information is already in there'' he said plopping the items on the bed and stood 

'' Thank you'' I mumbled 

I nodded leaving to the closet while I went to the bathroom

I turned the shower on and waited for it to heat up 

I got in the shower and started washing my body then I washed my hair 

I dried my hair and body before stepping out

I moisturized my body with my Strawberry Pound Cake lotion and slipped my underwear on and my clothes

I moisturized my body with my Strawberry Pound Cake lotion and slipped my underwear on and my clothes

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Calista's outfit

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Calista's outfit

I went back to the room leaving my hair to air dry and sat on the bed 

Amell was still in the closet having a heated conversation 

I unboxed my items and started setting them up logging back into my social media 

I entered back in the room


"Yes mama"

''I- I need a hair appointment or something it's almost been a month and I need a wax appointment''

''Find the person's information and send it to me''

I nodded 

He walked over to me and rubbed my cheeks before kissing my forehead and leaving 

Maybe Kelly-Ann was right


''Hold your leg up'' Kelly-Ann said

Now I know you might be wondering how my sister-in-law ended up waxing me

Well the wax places I sent to Amell only had males available for home visits and he said and I quote

'' No other nigga but me suppose to be seeing my wife's pussy''

''All done'' she said and I exhaled

''girl how are you pregnant and doing all of this''

''Girl I'm fine this big boy isn't stopping me'' she said

I slipped my underwear back on right as Amell walked in 

''Thanks, Kelly-Ann'' Amell said handing her stack

''for my nephew'' he said

'' nigga bye'' she said waddling out and closing the door

I slipped my shorts on wiggling to get into them completely

''your hair looks nice'' 

''Thanks, am I uh allowed to post on my Instagram?''

''Go ahead'' he said laying in the bed and wrapping his arms around me while he smoked

@Calistrabitches just uploaded to her story

'' Why are you being nice all of a sudden?''

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'' Why are you being nice all of a sudden?''

'' I can't love my wife''

'' you aren't in love with me Amell your just saying that'' 

He used his finger to turn my face to look at him

'' I'm not just saying that sadly I am falling for you'' he said before blowing out smoke from his mouth and nostrils before laying back and stroking my stomach

I stared at him in shock my face red 

I turned away and was swallowed by my thoughts

Did he really mean it?

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