Chapter 18

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Calista's outfit

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Calista's outfit

I romaged through the kitchen cabinets in search of food

" I'm fucking starving"

Finally finding my strawberry ice-cream I took out the a pint of it and the jar of pickles with peanut butter

Walking up my room moaning could be heard in the bathroom from a male and one of a female

Frowning I placed everything down

" I know this nigga isn't doing what the fuck I think he doing, ain't no way he brought a female up in this mother-fuckin house " I muttered angrily waddling to the bathroom

Pushing it slamming it back, there stood Amell his dick in his hand with a recording playing

This nigga really watching porn?

" The fuck is you doing !" I yelled

" Fuck" he muttered realising I was in the bathroom

" Whatchu doing up here mama"

" Don't fucking mama me, you watching porn Amell!? You know that's considered fucking cheating right you bitch" I tell throwing my phone at him which he ducked

" Mama it ain't whatchu thi-"

I angrily snatched his phone up and held it up to my face

His face id was unlocked from my face pulling up the video he was watching

My face heated up seeing it was a recording of us

" Oh- I'm sorry Papa " I said rubbing his cheek which I threw my phone at to hit him

" I broke my phone, I'm sorry" I frowned seeing the shattered screen

" You good mama don't put your feet near it " he said before lifting me up like I was feather

He carried me to the room before wrapping his naked half with his towel

" I haven't been a good wife have I?" I frowned my lips pouting

" Whatchu talking bout baby "

" I had to leave you to pleasure yourself  while I was stuck caring about myself"

" You not caring about yourself you're caring about our child, I gotta pleasure myself cause I know your body is aching you and I don't want to be a bother " he said shrugging

" Your not bothering me Papa" I said pulling him by his towel

If anything I been craving to feel his dick again

We haven't had sex since I hit my 2nd trimester and I'm almost at the end

I unravel his towel and it fell revealing his vainy dick which slapped against his stomach

I started stroking it slowly before letting my spit travel from my mouth to his dick

Swirling my tounge around his pink tip I took half his length into my mouth continuing to stroke him

I sucked his balls before going back to the top

His hands gripped my hair in his hand and his head thrown back

He moaned softly looking me in my eye while pushing my head down

I continued bringing him deeper in my throat before his bofy went stiff and his cum spilled into my mouth

" Fuck" he groaned pulling out before rubbing my cheek which had became wet from the tests that fell from my eyes

" You okay "

I nodded and connected my lips to his as he lowered his head down towards me

His stomach bug rubbed my stomach and a kick was felt

" He's active tonight "

I smiled looking at my babies kicks

I didn't care to know the gender once the baby and I were healthy everything would be perfect

" Everytime we say he is gets extra active like he's agreeing " I said and my stomach pushed fluttered

" Cause he agrees "

" You hungry?"

" I was about to eat icecream, peanut butter ,pickles "I said

He went to the kitchen to get a next pint as the other one had melted

I ate the pickles and peanut butter happily till the icecream came and I covered it with it

" Thank you" I said pecking his lip

" Your welcome mama" he said rubbing my stomach

I love these memories

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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