Chapter 4

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Calista's outfit

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Calista's outfit

"Yo my friend coming over keep your ass in here"

She nodded not looking in my direction

"you hear me"

''I hear you'' she replied with an attitude 

I left the room and headed downstairs where I was met by my best friend and brother

"What are you doing here?" I asked Ajax

''Kelly-Ann wanted to meet your wife?''

''Ain't her ass on bed rest?"

''You know she's stubborn and shit with her big ass belly''

Just then Kelly-Ann walked in with a glass dish of ice cream and pickles with a big ass dress covering her stomach

'' why your bitch ass saying I'm stubborn'' She said to Ajax 

'' were my sister-in-law at'' she turned to me

''She locked in the room and she ain't coming out either'' I said

''Yes the fuck she is don't lemme call your mama''

''come on somebody wanna meet you, put some clothes on'' 

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''come on somebody wanna meet you, put some clothes on'' 

''I don't wanna meet nobody''

''Calista get the fuck up and let's go!'' I yelled and tears welled in my eyes

I stood up slowly and pulled my shorts down

''get changed''

''I'm not changing, so either you let me stay in here or go with what I got on''

He hissed his teeth gripping my arm and dragged me out of the room making me stumble

''Here she is'' he said putting both his hands on my shoulder while I looked at the ground 

Swollen feet stepped in front of me

''Amell what did you do this poor girl'' She spoke 

He hissed his teeth walking away to the couch lighting a blunt

The girl took my hand dragging me to the kitchen 

'' don't lemme jam your eyes out Dre'' Amell said

''I was just glancing nigga'' 

'' Hi I'm Kelly-Ann, Amell's sister-in-law''

'' Hello'' I replied softly

'' girl no need to be shy, I know what this feels like'' her face dropping 

'' I was kidnapped too for Amell's brother and I hated his ass like poison and plotted to kill him and shit because he treated me so terribly but then I found out it was because of trauma that he and Amell went through and I fell in love with him and now were having a little boy together'' she said smiling happily

'' I don't think Amell will ever love me nor will I we just don't mix'' I said 

'' Honey in no time he will be head over heals he's just holding his guard up for now''

'' Well I hope he keeps it up cause I want to go the fuck home, I had a life that I was trying to fix just to get trapped in hell again I have been through enough'' I said before storming out of the kitchen and back into the living room were Amell, his brother and friends were

'' cmere mama''

'' fuck off' I said storming upstairs and slamming the door shut as I entered

'' nigga you better love her ass up the cause with a body like that ay nigga go wanna catch that'' Andre said

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'' nigga you better love her ass up the cause with a body like that ay nigga go wanna catch that'' Andre said

I inhaled the smoke before letting it come through my nose

'' Why you watching my woman for?'' I said as my eyes twitched looking at him

Just then Calista came storming from the kitchen her eyes filled with tears

'' cmere mama''

'' fuck off'' she said before storming out of the living room to upstairs slamming our bedroom door shut

I hissed my teeth and put out the blunt before standing up

'' what happened?'' I said to Kelly-Ann

'' Maybe start being nicer to her Amell she seems to be going through a lot already'' Kelly-Ann said sitting beside Ajax

Sighing I rubbed my face and left for our bedroom

'' Calista'' I said entering the room 

Sniffling was heard in the darkest corner of the bedroom

Sighing deeply I walked over to Calista 

'' what's up witchu?"'

'' leave me alone'' she said looking up at me with tears running down her face which was now red

Forcing my hands under her arm I picked her up and wrapped her legs around me before closing our bedroom door 

Lying in the bed she tried to move away from me

'' lemme just hold you ight chill'' I said and she hissed her teeth at me but stayed anyways

I rubbed her back and her sniffling turned into small snores

Can't believe I'm here comforting my wife I claim not to love

Crazy fr

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