Chapter 17

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61/2 months pregnant

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61/2 months pregnant

61/2 months pregnant

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Calista's outfit

" Amell I can't " I pouted looking at the ground beneath my feet

" Mama be so for real it ain't even that far"

Amell helped me down and I sighed holding onto my tumbler filled with ice

I waddled behind Amell as we entered the baby store

He went and left to get a cart

" Damn you pregnant in both front and back " a bearded man said

I ignored him until his hand grazed my ass making me frown

" Sir that's fucking assault"

" You don't hear me talking to you"

" I chose to ignore "

As he was getting closer to me Amell came back and knocked him over

" The fuck you doing nigga "

The man's eyes widened

" I-I-Im sorry I didn't know she was yours"

" It don't matter if she was single you leave fucking women alone " Amell yelled before stepping in the side of his neck and walked over him

He helped my hand and I placed our stuff in the cart

" You good ?"

I nodded

" Baby getting you too thick for your own good" he mumbled in the side of my neck as we stood in an empty isle

" The baby is moving around " I said looking at the stretched part of my stomach

" He's active "

" Still think it's a boy"

" As a matter a fact I'm positive"

" Okay daddy" I said and he slapped my butt

" Look how cute it is " I said looking at the tiny onesie

" I don't think that's gonna fit him mama "

" You saying my baby fat?" I said

" Ain't nothing wrong if he chunky mama "

" don't be fat shaming my baby already " I said waddling away my hand holding my back

My booty getting too heavy man

Taking up a nipple cream and baby shower items I placed them in the cart

Amell took up a few boy decorations

" Its gonbe so funny when I push a girl out "

" It's go be so funny when you see them doctors say its a boy"

I hissed my teeth

" Amell how long has it been since we you know?"

" Know what?"

" Amell have sex "

" You tryna fuck?"

I frowned glancing at my body

" I'm not, well my body isn't the best " I said tears welling in my eyes

" What you talking about mama" Amell frowned pulling my to him hooking his hand in my hair making me look at me

" My stomach is huge, I'm filled with stretchmarks, I can't tell the last time I shaved. I'm not perfect enough for you " I cried

" Calista stop saying shit like that you carrying out baby in you, a little bush ain't go stop nobody"

" Stop that's embarrassing" I laughed hiccuping through the tears

" You so perfect to me, every hair, every stretchmarks, every scar, everything on you is perfect and it shows how strong you are for going through everything and giving us a child "

He pecked my lips before kissing me deeply his hand placed perfectly on my butt

" you so beautiful"

" Amell please my nipples are tender" I groaned

" I'm sorry mama" he said his face in my neck kissing it

Amell helped me get dress and like usual he took photos of my stomach

@AmellGlaspie uploaded on his closefriends

@AmellGlaspie uploaded on his closefriends

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" You love me ?" I questioned

" I love you more thsn life it self"

I smiled and Amell kissed me

My life was perfect with the two most important people in it

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