Chapter 1

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The sixth period was droning on and on. I kept glancing at the clock hoping that time would fly by faster so I could go home, read a book, and lock myself in my room for the weekend. Science never really interested me. Not just because I never had any idea what was going on in class, but because I never imagined myself as the scientific type. I just wanted to read. To lose myself in another world. One where I could be a completely different person. A place where my parents didn't fight, where my friends weren't talking behind my back. A place where I could just stay forever.

"Isabella!" I snapped out of my trance, the window I was longingly staring out of now being blocked by a body. I glanced up and met the eyes of Marissa.

Her green eyes stare at me quizzically. Her blonde hair was tied up into a messy bun atop her head, arms crossed over her mesh top I had let her borrow one day after a sleepover. She had always liked it and I never had the chance to wear it, so I gave it to her. She had come over to my house after I had called her. My parents had been fighting again and my book was occupying the hands of my little brother. I gave it to him the night before when he couldn't sleep and he finished all his comics. I had told him it would take him to another land and he eagerly accepted it.

I wasn't sleeping much either, or at all.

"Yeah?" I shook my head once to focus on Marissa. I had almost forgotten she was standing there.

"What do you think?" She asks after a beat. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, trying to recall if she had asked me something, but I couldn't remember.

"About what?" She scoffs, rolling her eyes as her hands fall from her chest. She sits on the edge of my desk so I lean back to keep my eyes on her with my face contorted into confusion.

"You never pay attention to me when I'm talking," she mutters. Closing her eyes and sighing. She opens them again and stares down at me with a serious expression.

"I had asked if you think my blue halter top would go well with my brown cargo shorts." She sounded as if it was obvious. I stare up at her with an incredulous expression.

Marissa was the type of girl who hated gym class because the sweat ruined her makeup. The one who wears expensive clothing her parents buy and uses a purse instead of a backpack. She always wears a different pair of wedges and is never seen in the same outfit twice. It was quite surprising she was asking my opinion on fashion.

We were opposites. She gets her nails done every week and I play outside with my brother until night approaches. She drives around in her Lincoln MKS and I ride my bicycle. She wears clothes you would see in a fashion magazine while mine are from thrift stores. Polar opposites.

"Oh, uhm," I glanced up at the tiled ceiling, trying to come up with an answer that didn't give away my obvious annoyance at the stupid question.

Before I could answer, the bell rang and the class shuffled to put away their things.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder before she had a chance to catch me, I'm out of the door.

My school is connected to the elementary that my brother goes to. So every day like clockwork, we meet at the bike rack before riding home together.

Today wasn't supposed to be any different.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw, a few feet in front of me, my mother. Crouched down to meet the eyes of Carl. I furrowed my brows when behind her was Shane. My dad's best friend and partner, looking at them both with pain-stricken eyes.

Carls's head turned and our eyes made contact. My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw he was crying. He ran straight towards me and threw himself at me, arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

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