Chapter 8

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"You mean he could live?"

He nods. "He has a chance."

A chance. Carl has a chance of survival. I'm reminded of the day we arrived at the CDC when Jenner told us—"A chance is asking an awful lot these days."— He was right.

But this is a real chance. A possibility of his survival and I'll be damned if I don't let him get this opportunity to live.

"Okay, where? I'll go." I'm determined, I'm ready to do whatever it takes for him. Because he deserves it all.

"No." My dad shakes his head, his eyes wild, pleading. "Dad-"

"No." He interjects, a hand on my shoulder. My mother is sitting with Carl, tears falling from her eyes. "Bella, you have to stay." She tells me, her voice hoarse and broken.

"Mom, I can't. Someone has to go and it should be me!" I defend, but they aren't listening.

"No, your parents are right." I snap my head to the door and see Shane. Leaning casually against the door frame, hand on his belt while the other runs over his chin.

I scoff, shaking my head at him. He gives me a sharp look and pushes off the door, taking a step closer to us. "I'm going. Your needed here." He says with finality, no room for argument.


"No buts, Bella." Mom says quite sharp. I look at her, tears welling but I keep them pushed down.

It hurts seeing her like this again. Heartbroken over another one of our loved ones on the verge of death. I can see in her eyes that she's trying to be strong for me, for dad. But it's slowly dwindling by the second. Each piece of her wall falling bit by bit.

There's not time.

I turn on my heel to Shane, stalking up to him until we are face to face, almost chest to chest, "Fine, go."


This place is beautiful.

I haven't gotten the chance to really look at it when we got here. To consumed with thoughts of my brother, what would happen if he didn't make it. What I would do.

But I have a moment now. With Mom and Dad watching over Carl, I can finally see it. The vast greenery, the way the sun creates a golden glow over the grass, creating a halo effect above the trees. The sky is slowly turning to a tinge of peachy orange.

The smell. God, I could get use to the smell. Fresh, clean, warm. How long will this last for them? The serenity, the peace? How has it lasted this long in the first place?

A small breeze ruffles through my hair, pushing the smell of wild flowers and wheat up my nose, circling around my mind like a gentle embrace. For the first time in a very long time, I feel peace.

Maybe that's selfish, or maybe i'm finally giving in. Giving in to the inevitable and just letting myself feel the calm before the storm. Either way, it's beautiful.

"Can I sit?"

I don't have to look to know who the voice belongs too.


When I don't respond, he takes it upon himself to sit on the log next to me with a heavy exhale.

For a while, it's silent. It's almost awkward, but I can't bring myself to care.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"I don't want to talk." It came out harsher than I intended, he dosnt seem to mind.

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